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With a quarter of people expected to experience a mental health issue within the next 12 months and one in seven experiencing a common mental health problem, like anxiety and depression at work, it’s clear there is a major issue around well-being. But what can be done to overcome this global challenge? Well, in recent years, technology has evolved at a rapid rate and AI is now at the forefront of innovation.

But with no end in sight of how powerful AI can really be, it’s imperative we use it for the right reasons – to help society change and grow in a positive direction. With the right guardrails, AI can be steered and designed to help with mental health challenges. In addition, technology tools like wearable devices can be augmented with apps and chat-bots that can also enhance mental well-being, not only in the workplace, but also at home.

Utilizing technology

In the past, watches, necklaces and glasses were all accessories that helped bring an outfit together. Fast forward a decade or two and they are now used to help improve our lives. Wearable devices have changed the way we monitor our health by giving us real time updates on things like our heart rate and sleeping patterns. These devices can be used to constantly monitor us throughout the day (and night) and can alert users to signs of stress, allowing technical interventions that can teach users how to limit the impact of life stressors.

Mobile phones, just like accessories, have also evolved drastically in recent years. Phones used to be devices that allowed us to contact others with a click of a button, no matter where we were in the world. Now, most mobile phones have apps in them that keep users entertained, help with daily tasks, and provide a wealth of information – simply, if there’s a problem in your life, there is most likely an app that can fix it. This also holds for mental health issues.  Mental health apps are an accessible way to help manage stress. Having a range of apps that focus on different issues can provide users with a personalize experience, allowing them to take control of their well-being. AI can be used to personalize mental health interventions even further and can provide assistance “just in time” when the help is needed.

Unlike the above devices discussed, AI hasn’t yet evolved to benefit users maximally. While AI has often been used to assist users, it’s only in recent years that it has become more powerful and can be used to do more. There are now tools on the market that can analyze user data and then provide insights into their mental health. These tools can detect patterns in a user’s mood, predicting issues before they arise in order to provide just in time interventions.

Limiting office burnout

Today, workers are constantly receiving communication from multiple channels, which has been heightened since Covid. With more people now working remotely, employees no longer rely on conventional ways to communicate via in-person meetings, emails and phone calls. Instead, multiple, new channels of communication have been introduced, such as instant messaging services, team communication channels, etc. As a result, this leads to interruptions throughout the day. Persistent multitasking can lead to a decrease in productivity and increase the risk of burnout. To prevent this, organizations can introduce technology tools to their employees that identify signs of stress so that they are more aware of their well-being at work. Once these tools “learn” the health and well-being patterns of an individual worker, it can then make personalize suggestions, such as taking short breaks. These interventions are for the employee’s personal use and the data of course needs to be kept confidential and private.

Looking beyond technology, it’s imperative that employers also create a supportive working environment, which often combats burnout. Organizations must ensure they have directors, managers, and other employees that appreciate workers’ achievements and contributions. This can be realized in the form of a reward scheme to celebrate workers’ accomplishments to a simple monthly appraisal meeting.

It should be noted that not all office environments are the same and some jobs can lead to more stress than others. Let’s look at red teamers for example – a security professional whose job it is to simulate cyberattacks in order to safeguard AI systems. A red teamer’s job can be regarded as intense because the worker often has to think like a criminal, which can have a psychological toll. The help of AI can change this and make the process easier for the red teamer by automating some or parts of the tasks. In turn, this should reduce the psychological burden so that these professionals can focus on other aspects of their job, which can take less of a toll on their mental health.

Away from the office

While the office is just one environment where mental health issues can occur, many also suffer at home. At the office, individuals can be limited to what solutions they are able to access, this can be because of funding or comfort. When at home, workers can personalize their mental health solutions even further, meaning they might be able to cater to their own needs even better.

For example, using the internet for therapy allows a person to connect with a therapist anywhere in the country, and even the world, from the comfort of their own home – they can get the support they need on a more regular basis. Understandably, not everyone feels comfortable talking to a human and for those people, AI-powered chatbots can also provide needed support.

Embracing technological advancements

It’s clear that mental health cases are growing but we now have the right tools to improve and monitor well-being. From wearable technology and mobile apps to AI-driven platforms, these tools provide support that couldn’t be accessed decades ago, helping individuals manage stress both at the office and at home. By embracing these advancements, we can create healthier, more supportive environments that promote mental well-being for all.

If you would like to learn more about this topic or any of the research discussed, please visit the Microsoft Research Human Understanding and Empathy website for more information: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/group/human-understanding-and-empathy/

Mary will also be keynote speaker at EAI‘s 18th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare at Heraklion, Greece, which will focus on technologies and human factors related to the use of ubiquitous computing in healthcare and for well-being.

Mary Czerwinski

Research manager at Microsoft

Mary Czerwinskis a Research Manager of the Human Understanding and Empathy group. Mary’s research focuses primarily on information worker task management, health and wellness for individuals and groups. Her background is in visual attention and multitasking. She holds a PhD in Cognitive Psychology from Indiana University in Bloomington.

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Encouraging an environment of collaboration between researchers across the globe https://eai.eu/blog/encouraging-an-environment-of-collaboration-between-researchers-across-the-globe/ Fri, 02 Aug 2024 10:21:46 +0000 https://eai.eu/?p=10017771 Academic communities play an important role in enabling the progression of society and addressing the challenges being faced in all walks of life with sound, supported research. In order to meet the constantly growing challenges facing all parts of the globe, research must come from all areas, particularly those low-and-middle-income countries as it supports the […]

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Academic communities play an important role in enabling the progression of society and addressing the challenges being faced in all walks of life with sound, supported research.

In order to meet the constantly growing challenges facing all parts of the globe, research must come from all areas, particularly those low-and-middle-income countries as it supports the understanding of different perspectives.

As such, scientific communities must play a role in ensuring that the route to publishing isn’t as complex, convoluted or expensive and ensure that views are garnered from a variety of perspectives, life experiences and cultures.

Hosting scientific conferences in low-and-middle-income-countries

Scientific conferences are an important tool in fostering an environment for people to share knowledge and further the progression of valuable new research. In order to truly be successful in leveling the playing field and inviting collaboration, these conferences should reach each corner of the globe and take place in both developed and developing regions.

Regions where researchers are afforded less opportunity to progress their careers require further work to ensure they are able to gain greater visibility. In doing so, communities will be able to realize the transformative potential of research.

Access to publishing services

In the spirit of inclusivity, researchers and academics in developing countries must be supported in reaching audiences in the same way that their colleagues in other parts of the world can. This means access to the same publishing services as those in other parts of the world would have.
Therefore, to promote transparency, objectivity, equality, and openness, colleagues should actively invite scholars and professionals from all corners of the world to share their knowledge and help shape a brighter and more enlightened future for humanity.

Funding support
Organizations, researchers and other members of the academic community should take steps to support developing countries both financially and through subsidized or free access to their core services, ensuring they reach greater audiences.

For example, an important first step is allowing members in these regions to publish their articles for free and facilitate networking between these countries and the rest of the world. Those in low- and middle-income countries and regions are core to greater progress and it’s vital that research from these regions is promoted to a wider audience.

Realizing the potential of all
At EAI, inclusivity is championed via a commitment to free membership and a drive to host and support conferences in all parts of the world. This means access to EAI services to market, promote, host and arrange conferences, as well as access to the wider community and the facilitation of networking.

For more on hosting conferences with EAI, go to: https://eai.eu/eai-sponsorship/

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Transforming independent research and innovation worldwide with unlimited access to academic resources https://eai.eu/blog/transforming-independent-research-and-innovation-worldwide-with-unlimited-access-to-academic-resources/ https://eai.eu/blog/transforming-independent-research-and-innovation-worldwide-with-unlimited-access-to-academic-resources/#respond Tue, 11 Jun 2024 13:40:51 +0000 https://eai.eu/?p=10017664 EAI works on the belief that community and open access are powerful enablers of innovation and progress. This is why access to our resources is open to all members at the point of publishing, all via the European Union Digital Library (EUDL). What is the EUDL? The EUDL is the central repository for all content […]

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EAI works on the belief that community and open access are powerful enablers of innovation and progress. This is why access to our resources is open to all members at the point of publishing, all via the European Union Digital Library (EUDL).

What is the EUDL?

The EUDL is the central repository for all content published by EAI reaching more than 1.2 million people every month. The EUDL platform also publishes open access journals and conference proceedings across several areas of computer science, engineering, biochemistry, energy, medicine, social sciences, humanities and more.

Unlike other communities and publishers, research is available instantly and can reach the wider community immediately. The benefit of which is that you reach more people with your research than has been traditionally possible.

Inside the EUDL

As well as publishing its own research, the EUDL indexes content published by different publishing partners (Springer, ACM, IEEE) in collaboration with EAI. This means that in total EAI’s publication platform contains more than 7000 peer-reviewed manuscripts, which are distributed in more than 20 journals and four book series, two of them in collaboration with Springer.

The library includes resources such as those that make up the EAI Community Research Series (CORE) – EAI’s ICT-focused books and proceedings series. It also includes research from the EAI Computing and Communication in Emerging Regions (CCER) – EAI’s multidisciplinary proceedings series and it includes EAI Endorsed Transactions, a list of peer-reviewed, open access research journals.

Going further, the EUDL includes abstracts of EAI/Springer Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering (LNICST) and a complete index of proceedings from conferences held by EAI and ICST.

The impact

The impact of EAI’s core belief in collaboration and open access to research has maximised visibility and impact when it comes to new research. Our research model, coupled with our free membership and range of tools and conferences levels the playing field by inviting academics from all over the world to share their knowledge. 

The EUDL guarantees wider visibility and also allows academics to explore and engage directly with authors of related research papers from within the library. 

Join EAI and publish via the EUDL here: EUDL – European Union Digital Library.

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Addressing the challenges of the review process in research publication with EAI https://eai.eu/blog/prioritizing-critical-evaluation-to-create-a-more-progressive-and-transparent-research-landscape/ Wed, 22 May 2024 11:38:41 +0000 https://eai.eu/?p=10017541 Critical evaluation and review are key to progress. The findings and discoveries of new research can have far-reaching implications for individuals and society. This is why review plays such a vital part in the publishing process, giving detailed and professional commentary is necessary for the validity and quality of new research. The importance of peer […]

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Critical evaluation and review are key to progress. The findings and discoveries of new research can have far-reaching implications for individuals and society. This is why review plays such a vital part in the publishing process, giving detailed and professional commentary is necessary for the validity and quality of new research.

The importance of peer review

Peer review works to set an important benchmark for new research, by assessing the validity, quality and originality of it before it reaches the wider world. In turn, it works to maintain the integrity of journals and publishers, ensuring that only high-quality research is published.

It also plays a key role in ensuring transparency, allowing both the public and peers to assess the quality of new research and also supporting others in the field to build upon it with their own research. The process of having peers review, verify and replicate findings is key to transparency. As such, as a community, the act of peer review is the embodiment of progress through collaboration.

Pain points of the traditional process

Currently, many argue that the traditional review process isn’t built on fairness. The allocation of papers to reviewers includes a human element that may allow the impact of prejudice towards topic, author or other aspects to influence the process. In turn, the process is slowed down and it can be difficult to find appropriate reviewers, slowing down the publication of results. A typical conference beginning to end takes 15 months of planning.

The current process is based on a committee’s ability to attract the necessary reviewers with relevant expertise. People chosen for review often may not be available or having reviewed a paper, they might have changed their research topic interest before it is published and no longer be an ideal reviewer.

The EAI process

The EAI process seeks to eliminate some of these pain points by connecting the relevant program committee with volunteer reviewers who are able to announce their willingness and readiness to partake.

With the EAI bidding system, the program committee is connected with people who are ready and interested to partake in peer review and have expressed this by bidding for specific conferences that are relevant to their area of research.

The bidding process means that available and willing reviewers are connected with committees long before the actual reviewing stage of the conference starts. This allows the technical program committee to pre-evaluate the reviewer volunteer pool, validating their ability and allowing the committee to choose the best candidates with no time pressure and little delay.

Currently the work is shared across our community of more than 100,000 members.

Become a reviewer

Stay informed about research trends in your area of expertise. If you’re not already a member, create a free EAI account to stay informed on all activities at EAI. Click here to register as a reviewer.

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Congratulations to the Newly Elected 2023 EAI Fellows https://eai.eu/blog/congratulations-to-the-newly-elected-2023-eai-fellows/ Mon, 15 Apr 2024 11:46:44 +0000 https://eai.eu/?p=10017383 Arkady Zaslavsky Deakin University, Australia Bo Chen Michigan Technological University, US Cesar Briso Technical University of Madrid, Spain Dario Salvi Malmö University, Malmö, Sweden David Crawford Ravensbourne University, England Dimitrios Georgakoupolos Swinburne University of Technology, Australia Gabriel Wainer Carleton University, Canada Gregor Schiele University Duisburg-Essen, Germany Haixin Duan Tsinghua University, China Ivan Cvitić University of […]

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Arkady ZaslavskyDeakin University, Australia
Bo ChenMichigan Technological University, US
Cesar BrisoTechnical University of Madrid, Spain
Dario SalviMalmö University, Malmö, Sweden
David CrawfordRavensbourne University, England
Dimitrios GeorgakoupolosSwinburne University of Technology, Australia
Gabriel WainerCarleton University, Canada
Gregor SchieleUniversity Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Haixin DuanTsinghua University, China
Ivan CvitićUniversity of Zagreb, Croatia
Jose Antonio MarmolejoThe National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico
Kibret MequanintUniversity of Western Ontario, Canada
Luca TurchetUniversity of Trento, Italy
Luke ChenUlster University, UK
Man Ho AuThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR
Marcelo M. WanderleyMcGill University, Canada
Maria SpichkovaRMIT University, Australia
Miao PanUniversity of Houston, Texas, US
Nguyen Son-VoDuy Tan University, Vietnam
Panos ChysanthisUniversity of Pittsburgh, USA
Shafi AhmedThe Royal London Hospital, England
Tanya ZlatevaBoston University, USA
Trung Q. DuongQueen’s University Belfast, UK
Weizhi MengTechnical University of Denmark
Wendy MageeTemple University, US
Wenjia LiNew York Institute of Technology, New York City, US
William KnottenbeltImperial College of London, UK
Xiali HeiUniversity of Louisiana at Lafayette, US
Xiaojiang DuStevens Institute of Technology, US
Xiapu LuoThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR
Yan ZhangUniversity of Oslo, Norway
Zhaolong NingChongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China
Hua WangVictoria University, Australia (EiC of EAI Endorsed Transactions on Scalable Information Systems)
Le Nguyen BaoDuy Tan University, Vietnam
Nguyen-Son VoDuy Tan University, Vietnam
Shancang LiUniversity of the West of England – UWE Bristol, UK
Shuai (Steven) LiCollege of Engineering, Swansea University, United Kingdom
Dunhui XiaoSchool of Mathematical Sciences, Tongji University, China
Phan Cong VinhFaculty of Information Technology, Nguyen Tat Thanh University, Vietnam
Robbi RahimSekolah Tinggi Ilmu Manajemen Sukma, Indonesia
Juniastel RajagukgukUniversitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia
Eko Eddya SupriyantoUniversitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Xuexia YeAEIC Academic Exchange Information Center, China
Wanwen CaiAEIC Academic Exchange Information Center, China
Mahdi MirazXiamen University, Malaysia
Eko MukmintoUniversitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

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Congratulations to the Newly Elected 2023 EAI Senior Members https://eai.eu/blog/congratulations-to-the-newly-elected-2023-eai-senior-members/ Fri, 05 Apr 2024 13:44:52 +0000 https://eai.eu/?p=10017386 Aditya Bhrugumalla VIT-AP University, India Amar Seeam Middlesex University, England Anselmo Cardoso de Paiva Federal University of Maranhão, Brazil António Amaral Polytechnic of Porto – School of Engineering, Portugal Aristofanes Silva Federal University of Maranhao, Brazil Balasubramaniam S University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India Bhawani Sankar Panigrahi Vardhaman College of Engineering, India Bijay Paikaray Medhavi […]

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Aditya Bhrugumalla VIT-AP University, India
Amar Seeam Middlesex University, England
Anselmo Cardoso de Paiva Federal University of Maranhão, Brazil
António Amaral Polytechnic of Porto – School of Engineering, Portugal
Aristofanes Silva Federal University of Maranhao, Brazil
Balasubramaniam S University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
Bhawani Sankar Panigrahi Vardhaman College of Engineering, India
Bijay Paikaray Medhavi Skills University, India
Cheng Cai Shanghai Dianji University, Shanghai, China
Ganggang Dong Huali College of Guangdong University of Technology, China
Geraldo Braz Junior Federal University of Maranhão, Brazil
Ha Quang Thinh Ngo Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Vietnam
Jianbo Zheng Shenzhen MSU-BIT University, China
Jie Zeng Beijing Institute of Technology, China
João Dallyson Sousa de Almeida Federal University of Maranhão, Brazil
Karel Veerabudren Middlesex University, England
Khar Thoe Ng UCSI University, Malaysia
Kishore Kanna Ravikumar Jerusalem College of Engineering, Tamil Nadu, India
Liang Zhang Changchun University Of Finance and Economics, China
Lijing Wang Changchun University Of Finance and Economics, China
Lili Wang Changchun University Of Finance and Economics, China
Ling Peng Huaihua University, China
Luyen Tong Hanoi University of Industry, Vietnam
Mai-Ha Phan Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Vietnam
Monika Mangla Dwarkadas J Sanghvi College of Engineering, India
Mrinal Sharma Middlesex University Mauritius
Muneeswari G VIT-AP University, India
Na Zhao Changchun University of Humanities, China
Nagendra Panini Ch VIT-AP University, India
Nonita Sharma IGDTUW, India
Ong Tek Universitas Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia
Pengpeng Zhang Shanghai Dianji University, China
Prakash Pareek Vishnu Institute of Technology, India
Priya Gupta ABVSME, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
Qiuming Liu Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, China
R.N Satpathy Sree Sree University, Cuttack, Odisha, India
Raghav Agarwal VIT-AP University, Amaravati, Andhra Pradesh, India
Rajasanthosh Kumar Tulala Puducherry Technological University, India
Rashid A. Saeed Taif University, Saudi Arabia
Rebeka Tauberová Technical University of Košice, Slovakia
Reeja S R VIT-AP University, India
Sagar Pande VIT-AP University, India
Santhosh Kumar Medishetti VIT-AP University, India
Shihang Zhang Changchun University of Humanities, China
Srishti Dikshit Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology, India
Stella Hrehova Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies, Technical University in Kosice, Slovakia
Subuh Anggoro Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, Indonesia
Teresa Pereira University of Minho, Portugal
Veena Grover Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology, Greater Noida, India
Venkata Rami Reddy Ch VIT-AP University, India
Vincente Diaz University of Oviedo, Spain
Visham Ramsurrun Middlesex University Mauritius
Wei Guan Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, China
Wei Wang Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, China
Xiafu Pan Department of Public Safety Technology, Hainan Vocational College of Political Science and Law, China
Xin Qi Hunan Normal University, China
Xin Zhang College of Aeronautical Engineering, Beijing Polytechnic, China
Xiuyi Wang China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Group Co., Ltd., China
Yagnesh C VIT-AP University, India
Yan Liu Dalian University of Science and Technology, China
Yan Zhao Ningbo City College of Vocational Technology, China
Yanmei Sun Yantai Vocational College, China
Yishu Huang Hunan Normal University, China
Yu Zhao Changchun University Of Finance and Economics, China
Yulong Ying Shanghai University of Electric Power, China
Yun Lin Harbin Engineering University, China

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Congratulations to the Newly Elected 2023 EAI Distinguished Members https://eai.eu/blog/distinguished-members/ Tue, 02 Apr 2024 13:03:04 +0000 https://eai.eu/?p=10017237 Agustín Riscos-Núñez University of Seville, Spain Anders Kalsgaard Møller Aalborg University, Denmark Angelina Iakovets Technical University of Košice, Slovakia Artemis Moroni CTI Renato Archer, Brazil Berit Helgheim Molde University College, Norway Bruno Azevedo Universidade do Minho, Portugal Christos Douligeris University of Piraeus, Greece Chun-Cheng Lin National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU), Taiwan Debnath Bhattacharyya […]

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EAI Distinguished Members 2023
Agustín Riscos-NúñezUniversity of Seville, Spain
Anders Kalsgaard MøllerAalborg University, Denmark
Angelina IakovetsTechnical University of Košice, Slovakia
Artemis MoroniCTI Renato Archer, Brazil
Berit HelgheimMolde University College, Norway
Bruno AzevedoUniversidade do Minho, Portugal
Christos DouligerisUniversity of Piraeus, Greece
Chun-Cheng LinNational Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU), Taiwan
Debnath BhattacharyyaK L E F Deemed to be University, India
Elena PartesottiUnversity of Unicamp, Brazil
Eleni ChristopolouIonian University, Greece
Emma EdstrandHalmstad University, Sweden
Haridimos KondylakisUniversity of Crete, Greece
Igor LitvinchevUANL, Mexico
Jerry FossBirmingham City University, UK
José-Luis Guisado-LizarUniversity of Seville, Spain
Junyi WangGuilin University of Electronic Technology, China
Jyh-Cheng ChenNational Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Leandros MaglarasEdinburgh Napier University, UK
Mekuanint Agegnehu BitewBahir Dar University, Ethiopia
Mourad DbabiConcordia University, CA
Muluken ZegeyeBahir Dar University, Ethiopia
Nikolaos VorosUniversity of Peloponnese, Greece
Pandian VasantUniversiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia
Paulo Roberto Nunez de SouzaThe Federal Universit of Espírito Santo, Brazil
Pieter Van GorpEindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Solomon Workneh FantaBahir Dar University, Ethiopia
Svein BråthenMolde University College, Norway
Thomas BjørnerAalborg University, Denmark
Wentao ZhangGuilin University of Electronic Technology, China

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Smart Life Summit in Bratislava 2023 https://eai.eu/blog/smart-life-summit-in-bratislava-2023/ Wed, 23 Aug 2023 13:38:16 +0000 https://eai.eu/?p=10016776 The Smart Life Summit 2023 is coming up soon offering a unique insight into the digital revolution. It will take place in Radisson Blu Carlton Hotel in Bratislava on 24-26 October 2023 and host worldwide expertise in conferences, keynote discussions, and provide many opportunities to exchange know-how. With deadlines for conferences approaching, researchers are invited to send […]

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The Smart Life Summit 2023 is coming up soon offering a unique insight into the digital revolution. It will take place in Radisson Blu Carlton Hotel in Bratislava on 24-26 October 2023 and host worldwide expertise in conferences, keynote discussions, and provide many opportunities to exchange know-how. With deadlines for conferences approaching, researchers are invited to send their papers by the 30th of August.

The summit builds on a tradition of its own in connecting the best minds and most influential stakeholders to create a multidisciplinary setting where ideas on innovation and improvement come together. Its re-emergence from online mode, after three years, is accompanied by the enrichment of its scope to include not only smart cities, but also the use of AI and technology in healthcare, cyber security, and mobility. All of these aspects express the EAI values of innovating research through openness and equal recognition of all.


The entrance for researchers is through one of the technology tracks (referred to as conferences) of the summit, each with a well-grounded tradition of its own. In total, the tracks will create 50 unique sessions encompassing a range of topics going all the way from AI in healthcare to cloud computing. Successfully evaluated papers open the door to an important journey which involves high-quality publication in LNCIST indexed series and SCOPUS, EI Compendex, and Web of Science databases. The very best ones will be highly honoured with a fellowship that will open the doors to many future research opportunities. 

As of now, papers will be presented by academics from four continents. We believe that further participation will only upgrade and diversify the experience. The summit is unique in that it offers participants the chance to attend more than one conference as five will take place simultaneously in two blocks in the same venue literally right next to each other. Should the researchers have the necessary knowledge and material suitable for more than one topic, they are more than welcome to submit their papers to different technology tracks.

Highlights of the Summit

In addition to conferences, participants can expect intriguing keynote speeches and panel discussions. EAI is honoured to host the former commissioner of the U.S. House Committee on Commerce Harold Furchtgott-Roth who will share his expertise on economy and communications. Likewise, Peter Van Gorp from the Eindhoven University of Technology will share his findings and research on digital health platforms. The topic on cyber security will be covered by Sanjay Goel from the University of Albany – State University of New York School of Business Information Security and Digital Forensics. In addition, the American computer scientist Ian Goodfellow, who stands behind the development of generative adversarial networks (GAN) in the world’s largest innovative institutions including Google, Apple, Open AI, and DeepMind, will attend. There will also be notable Slovak representation embodied by the expert on economic transition Ivan Mikloš or Zuzana Mikulášová from the expert platform Brand Slovakia 30.

Bright Young Minds

This year is special as it introduces talented young academics to the summit who can qualify via the essay competition ‘Bright Young Minds’. The winners will be offered the chance to attend some of the most high-level EAI tracks with full costs reimbursed. In addition, they will have the opportunity to grow professionally under the mentorship of professor Imrich Chlamtac, a Slovak-born academic and president of EAI, as well other fellows and members of the honorary board.

Community Values of EAI

EAI is back in Bratislava after eight years offering new opportunities for a gathering of worldwide expertise. Among the key added values of the summit are the familiarisation of current topics and trends at home and abroad, networking or the creation of new project consortiums, thinks the general chair of the summit professor Dagmar Cagáňová. This entails mutual sharing of know-how between local and foreign researchers, leaders from the industry, as well as the wider community by means of presentations, workshops, and round tables. I consider it important that researchers view themselves in the context of current affairs of the academic fields, added Cagáňová. Further added values are socialisation and the opportunity to grow professionally through publications in high-quality impact journals, the professor concluded.

Professor Predrag K. Nikolic PhD, MBA, who will be one of the keynote speakers, considers the network he developed throughout the years and the opportunities to present recent development in his research as the most visible added value of the EAI summits. He is looking forward to interacting with other scholars and universities toward future academic collaboration this year.

The post Smart Life Summit in Bratislava 2023 appeared first on EAI - European Alliance for Innovation.

Announcing EAI Senior Members Class of 2022 https://eai.eu/blog/announcing-eai-senior-members-of-2022/ Wed, 25 Jan 2023 16:24:37 +0000 https://eai.eu/?p=10016717 EAI is proud to announce EAI Senior Members Class of 2022. This recognition is awarded to the top 1% of EAI members for their significant contributions as evaluated by members of the EAI Community around the world. Congratulations to the following EAI Members awarded the Senior title in 2022!(In alphabetical order) A. Gudamu Inner Mongolia […]

The post Announcing EAI Senior Members Class of 2022 appeared first on EAI - European Alliance for Innovation.


EAI is proud to announce EAI Senior Members Class of 2022.

This recognition is awarded to the top 1% of EAI members for their significant contributions as evaluated by members of the EAI Community around the world.

Congratulations to the following EAI Members awarded the Senior title in 2022!
(In alphabetical order)

A. GudamuInner Mongolia Dayaar Technology Co., Ltd
A. N. M. Bazlur RashidEdith Cowan University
Abdelouahab MoussaouiUniversité Ferhat Abbas Sétif
Abderrahmen AmichUniversity of Michigan Dearborn
Abebe TirunehUniversity of Gondar
Abhishek KumarCentraleSupélec, Université Paris-Saclay Rennes France-35700
Aboubaker LasebaeMiddlesex University
Adlin Shaflina AzizoUniversiti Teknologi Malaysia
Adrian MitjansCentro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada, Baja California – CICESE
ADZIRA HUSAINUniversiti Utara Malaysia
Afshin AminianChildren’s Hospital of Orange County
Ahmad KeshavarzPersian Gulf University
Ahmad TahaUniversity of Glasgow
Ahmad TraboulsiCarleton University
Ahmed SalahThe University of Maryland
Ahmer BalochDubai Electricity and Water Authority
Ahsan Raza KhanUniversity of Glasgow
Alberto-Isaac Perez-SanpabloInstituto Nacional de Rehabilitacion
Alemayehu GollaBahir Dar University
Alessandro MontanariNokia Bell Labs
Alexa MuratyanCornell University
Alexander LeiserIU International University of Applied Scienes
Alexandre Augusto GironFederal University of Santa Catarina / Federal University of Technology – Parana (UTFPR), Brazil
Alison DawsonUniversity of Stirling
Alwin de RooijTilburg University
Amy SENEUniversite Cheikh Anta Diop
Anand MCentre for Development of Telematics
Anand PaulKyungpook National University
Anant MathurUniversity of New South Wales
Anargyros GkogkidisUniversity of Thessaly
Andrea OweThe Global Catastrophic Risk Institute
Andrea SannaPolitecnico di Torino
Andreas SchmidtHochschule Karlsruhe – University of Applied Sciences
Ang LiBasic Education School,Zhuhai College of Jilin University
Angela Maria Muñoz-AntonUniversidad de Alicante
Angelo OliveiraUniversidade Nove de Julho
Anh-Khoa Do-VoHo Chi Minh City Open University
Anish BanerjeeIEM Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Ankita BhatiaSymbiosis International Deemed University
Annick De PaepeGhent University
Anqi WangDalian Polytechnic University
Ansari AadilDubai Electricity and Water Authority
Anuja HariharanCAS Software AG
Aqueasha Martin-HammondIndiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis
Arlin RoosmaSaveetha University
Arong suyilaInner Mongolia Dayaar Technology Co., Ltd
Arti ChandaniJaipuria Institute of Management
Arturo GonzalezInstituto Nacional de Rehabilitación
Arturo TorresUniversidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon
Arturo Torres BudgudUANL
Arun solankiGautam Buddha University
Arunavo DeyBangladesh University of Business and Technology
Asha BattulaVelagapudi Ramakrishna Siddhartha Engineering College
Ashenafi DessalgnAdama Science and Technology University
Asif Ali LaghariSindh Madressatul Islam University
ASM KayesLa Trobe University
Asri Nur ZahirahInstitut Teknologi Bandung
Athanasios KakarountasUniversity of Thessaly
Atmik AjoyPES University
Atsunori MinamikawaKDDI Research, Inc.
Atul SajjanharDeakin University
Azin moradbeikiePersian Gulf University
Bao HaishanInner Mongolia University of Finance and Economics
Bart RooseUniversity of Cambridge
Beichen YangThe University of Alabama
Benjamin VölkerUniversity of Freiburg
Bernardo FloresOsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University
Bernd BeckerUniversity of Freiburg
Betelhem TilahunBahir Dar University
Biao MeiDalian University of Technology
Bieke ZamanMeaningful Interactions Lab (Mintlab), KU Leuven
Bing XiaoNorthwestern Polytechnical University
Bing ZhaoElites Partners Corporation
Bing ZhaoHechi University
Binyao ChengBeijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Birhanu EsheteUniversity of Michigan, Dearborn
Bo LiDalian Polytechnic University
Bohai ZhaoHuaqiao University
Boni LiuXi’an Aeronautical University
Boning FengOslo Metropolitan University
Bowen DuUniversity of Warwick
Brian ChiuTongji University
Bruce GuVictoria University
Bruno DzogovicOslo Metropolitan University
Buddha SinghJawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Bui Huy KhoiIndustrial University of HCM City
Buqing CaoHunan niversity of Science and Technology
Cai-xu XUWuZhou University
Camilla Finsterbach KaupAalborg University
Can-song DingZheJiang Zhongxin Power Engineering Construction Co.,Ltd.
Cao Dai PhamLe Quy Don Technical University
Cao LuyenLe Quy Don Technical University
Cao QihangHarbin Institute of Technology
Cao YichaoSchool of Automation, Southeast University
Cao ZihaoZheJiang Normal University
Carina DantasSHINE2Europe
Carlo RattiMassachusetts Institute of Technology
Cedric Angelo FestinUniversity of the Philippines Diliman
Chaokui ZhangUniversity of Electronic Science & Technology of China
Chaoyi WangHarbin Engineering University
Charlotte TangUniversity of Michigan-Flint
Chen HeNorthwest University
Chen JunNorh China University of Technology
Chen LinglingXian’Branch of China Academy of Space Technology
Chen ShanjiQinghai Nationalities University
Chen YinanHeilongJiang University of Science & Technology
Chen ZhouHangzhou normal University
Chenfei JiaoZhengzhou University
Cheng ChenCollege of Management, Taiwan University
Cheng FENGTibet Vocational Technology
Cheng HuangSouth China Agricultural University
Chengbin PangNanjing Uniserity
Chengchao LiangChongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Chenglong LiNational Computer Network Emergency Response Technical Team/Coordination Center of China (CNCERT/CC)
Chengpeng KuangNanjing University
Chenhao ShuaiBrunel University London
Chenyiming WengZheJiang University of Techonology
Chethan MahindrakarPES University
Chibuoke EnehUniversity of Nigeria
Chihao XuNFLS
Christian Felix PurpsHochschule Karlsruhe
Chuangui MaDepartment of Basic, Army Aviation Institution
Chulhong MinNokia Bell Labs
Chunhua PanQinghai University for Nationalities
Colline EstradaElectrical and Electronics Engineering Institute, University of the Philippines Diliman
Cong Doan TruongVietnam National University
Congmin LyuTechnology and Engineering Center for Space Utilization, CAS
Cyril DumontLeuville Objects
Da-xing ChenZheJiang Zhongxin Power Engineering Construction Co.,Ltd.
Dagoberto Cruz-SandovalUniversity of California San Diego – UCSD
Dai CuiState Grid Liaoning Electric Power Supply Co.,LTD
Dai Phong LeInstitute of System Integration, Le Quy Don Technical University
Daisuke KamisakaKDDI Research, Inc.
Dalila AcheliLAA Laboratory, University of M’Hamed Bougara Boumerdes
Damiano OritiPolitecnico di Torino
Damien HanyurwimfuraUniversity of Rwanda
Daming ShiShenzhen University
Dan-kang HEGuangxi Modern Polytechnic College
Dandan GongHeilongJiang University of Science and Technology
Dang Huynh-VanUniversity of Information Technology – VNUHCM
Dang Khoa Le DangVietnam Posts and Telecommunications Group
Daniel KovenockChapman University
David GeertsKU Leuven Digital Society Institute (DigiSoc), KU Leuven, Belgium
Debanjan GhoshIEM Kolkata
Debiao HeWuhan University
Debojyoti SahaIEM Kolkata
Débora Muchaluat-SaadeFluminense Federal University – UFF
Dechao RanNational Innovation Institute of Defense Technology
Degsera fentahunBahir Dar
Denamo AddissieAddis Ababa University
Derara SenayBule Hora University
Deying WeiYulin Normal University
DH wood DhUniversity of Calgary
Dhanesh G. Kurup-Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham
Di JiangState Grid Liaoning Electric Power Supply Co.,LTD
Diane GanUniversity of Greenwich
Dinh-Huy VoHo Chi Minh City Open University
Diogo RochaADiT-LAB, Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo
Dirk von SuchodoletzUniversity of Freiburg
Don TowsleyUniversity of Massachusetts
Dong LiuNo.30 Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation
Dong TranDuy Tan University
Dong-ming YueState Grid Ningxia Electric Power Co., Ltd.
Dong-rui LiSchool of Computer,Guangdong AIB Polytechnic College
DongHong ZhangMedical College, University of Business Management
Doug LundquistUniversity of Illinois at Chicago
Douglas DowWentworth Institute of Technology
Dovilė PerednytėAalborg University
Alice LiLa Trobe University
Ben SohLa Trobe University
Ermias Gebrekidan KorichoGeorgia Southern University
Sudhakar SenganANNA University
Duan ChiSouth China Normal University
Duc Anh DangHanoi University of Science and Technology
Duong Tuan AnhHo Chi Minh City of Foreign Languages and Information Technology
Duoteng XuCollege of Mechatronics and Control Engineering, Shenzhen University
Duy Thao NguyenLe Quy Don Technical University
Duy-Hai VoUniversity of Technology and Education, The University of Danang
Edwin Israel Rodriguez UbinasDEWA
Elaine DouglasUniversity of Stirling
Eleni BoumpaUniversity of Thessaly
Elizabeth TennysonUniversity of Cambridge
Elke ReinhuberCity University of Hong Kong
Erik StoltermanIndiana University Bloomington
Fa ChenNanjing University
Fábio BarretoFluminense Federal University – UFF
Fabrice MourlinUPEC
Faheem ZafariImperial College London
Fahim KawsarBell Labs, Nokia
Elliot AnshelevichRensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Fan CaoDalian Polytechnic University
Fan QiXidian University
Fan YanfangInstitute of Spacecraft System Engineering
Fang ChengChongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Fang XieInner Mongolia University of Finance and Economics
Fang YanZhengzhou University of Aeronautics
Fangfang ShanZhongyuan University of Technology
Fangqing ShengMacau University of Science and Technology
Fangyuan ZhuXiamen University
Farhan KhanIEM Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Farhan MohamedUniversiti Teknologi Malaysia
Federico CasacciaUniversità Politecnica delle Marche
Federico ManuriPolitecnico di Torino
Fei HuangMacau University of Science and Technology
Fei-feng WangZheJiang Zhongxin Power Engineering Construction Co.,Ltd.
Feng JiangState Grid Liaoning Electric Power Supply Co. LTD
Feng ManDalian Polytechnic University
Feng PengfeiHarbin Institute of Technology
Fenghua LiIIE, CAS
Fengshan LiuDalian Polytechnic University
Fenlan PengKunming College Metallurgical
Filipe CaldeiraPolytechnic Institute of Viseu
Fitsum Getachew BayuAddis Ababa Institute of Technology, Addis Ababa University
Francesco De PacePolitecnico di Torino
Francesco Lo IudiceUniversity of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy
Francisco Florez-RevueltaUniversidad de Alicante
Francisco RojoDeakin University
Francisco Torres GuerreroUANL
Fu ChenCentral University of Finance and Economics
Fucai YuUniversity of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Fukun LiUniversity of Jinan
Gabriele SavoiaUniversity of Modena e Reggio Emilia
Gaojian ChenNorth China University of Technology
Gaolei FeiUniversity of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Geert CrombezGhent University
Gegerihu BaoHohhot College for Nationalities
Genhua LuZheJiang Gongshang University
George GrisposUniversity of Nebraska-Omaha
Georgios SpathoulasNTNU
Getasew WubetuBahir Dar University
Getnet MeheretuBahir Dar University
Getzi Jeba LeelipushpamKarunya Institute of Technology and Sciences
Ghazal ErshadiUCLA
Gichan LeeUniversity of California
Gokul PManipal Institute of Technology, Manipal Academy of Higher Education
Gorkem SakaryaIstanbul Technical University
Grazia IadarolaUniversità Politecnica delle Marche
Guan-jin HuangCSG Peak shaving and frequency modulation power generation Co., Ltd
Guang-hui XiaBeijing Polytechnic
Guang-min JiangTeng Zhou Vocational Education Centre
Guang-yao MiaoState Grid Ningxia Electric Power Co., Ltd.
Guangyan ZhangTsinghua University
Guanying CaoResearch Institute of Photonics, Dalian Polytechnic University
Guido WirtzUniversity of Bamberg
Guijun FanChongqing University
Guimin HuangGuilin University of Electronic University
Guiqing TanYulin Normal University
GuiYu GuoShenZhen University
Guo Qiang ZhuFudan University
Guo TieliangWuZhou University
Guo YangHeilongJiang University of Science and Technology
Guo-yi ZhangCSG Power Dispatching and Control Center
H JinTianjin University
Habib RostamiPersian Gulf University
Habtamu MelakuBahir Dar University
Hai-guang HeInformation and Communcition College National University of Defense Technology
Hai-xiao GongWuzhou University
Hai-yue HuangCPC Anhui Provincial Committee
Hai-zhou WangSchool of Artificial Intelligence, Jianghan University
Hailong LiuSouth China Agricultural University
Hailu DessalegnBahir Dar University
Haixiao GongWuzhou University
Haiying LiuZhengzhou University of Science and Technology
Hamed JahromiUniversity College Dublin
Hamid KarimiPolitecnico di Milano
Han HanShijiazhuang Posts and Telecommunications Technical College
Hanchu ZhangChina University of Geosciences, Beijing
Hao GeNanjing University Of Science And Technology
Hao LiChongqing University
Hao PanShenZhen University
Hao WeiZTE Coperation
Hao YaoScience and Technology on Communication Security Laboratory
Hao-ding MurongShenzhen Customs Information Center
Haoran XuMedical School of Chinese PLA
Haotian WangChina University of Petroleum
Haoxuan SunUniversity of Jinan
Haoyu HuDalian Polytechnic University
Hasan SajidNational University of Science and Technology, Islamabad
He LiQinghai Normal University
He ZhuGuangzhou Metro Design & Reserch Institute Co.,Ltd.
Heng XiaoSanya University
Hepeng WangNanchang University
Hoang HoVan Hien University
Hoang Nguyen NguyenInstitute of System Integration, Le Quy Don Technical University
Hoang TranHanoi University of Science and Technology
Hong XUZhengzhou University
Hong XuChina Telecom Co. , Ltd. BeiJing Branch
Hongbin DongYantai University
Hongbin SunDalian Polytechnic University
Hongcheng ZhaoQinghai Normal University
Hongfei FanTongji University
Honggang WangUniversity of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Hongjie FanChina University of Political Science and Law
Hongyu HuangChongqing University
Hou HaiboHarbin Engineering University
Huabo FuShanghai University
Huaitao XuHarbin engineering University
Huaizong ShaoUniversity of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Huan-wei LiangHuali College Guangdong University of Technology
Huan-yu WangCollege of Earth Environment and Science,Southwest Jiao Tong University
Huang KaiGuilin University of Electronic Technology
Huaxin WuAir Force Early Warning Academy
Hui LiShaoyang University
Hui WangZheJiang Normal University
Hui ZhangNational University of Defense Technology
Hui-jun WangXinhua College of Ningxia University
Hui-ling ZhangState Grid Ningxia Electric Power Co., Ltd.
Huisan XuiESLab Energy Co.,Ltd
Huiyang FengDalian Polytechnic University
Huong LuongFPT University
Hyunsung KimKyungil University and University of Malawi
Ibrahim KhalilRMIT University
Iluminada BaturoneUniversidad de Sevilla
Immanuel Johnraja JebaduraiKarunya Institute of Technology and sciences
Ira WirasariTelkom University
Isabel Montes-AustriaElectrical and Electronics Engineering Institute, University of the Philippines Diliman
Iveth RodriguezUANL
Ivett Quiñones-UriósteguiInstituto Nacional de Rehabilitación
Ivonne SoldevillaNational University of San Marcos
Jackson CurryUniversity of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO, US
Jie LiGuangxi Normal University
Jamal MabroukiMohammed V University in Rabat
James ClawsonIndiana University Bloomington
Jane LiuUniversity of California
Jaouhar FattahiLaval University
Jason MardenUniversity of California, Santa Barbara
Jazuli KazaureHussaini Adamu Federal Polytechnic
Jean-Luc DangerTélécom Paris
Jebaveerasingh JebaduraiKarunya Institute of Technology and Sciences
Jen-Jee ChenNational Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Jesus FavelaCICESE
Jhon Aaron TrajanoElectrical and Electronics Engineering Institute, University of the Philippines Diliman
Ji Peiyuzhongyuan University of Technology
Jia XiaZheJiang Zhongxin Power Engineering Construction Co.,Ltd.
Jia-Hao WeiCollege of Artificial Intelligence, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Jia-hua LiGuangzhou Vocational and Technical University of Science and Technology
Jia-yin ChenCollege Of Music,Ningbo University
Jiachen WangMedical School of Chinese PLA
Jiachi XuNational University of Defense Technology (NUDT)
Jiahao GengHarbin University of Science and Technology
Jiahua WanSchool of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence
Jiajin ZhaoChongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Jian LiSUNY-Binghamton University
Jian LiGuangchuang Service Center of Guizhou Zhifu Optics Valley Investment Co., Ltd.
Jian-hong WeiSoftware Engineering Institute of Guangzhou
Jian-ming YuBeijing Kedong Power Control System Co., Ltd
Jian-yong ZhouShenzhen Power Supply Bureau Power Dispatching and Control Center
Jianfeng ZhaoHangzhou Innovation Institute, Beihang University
Jiang CaoPLA Academy of Military Science
Jiang LITibet University School of information science and technology
Jiang WeijinHuan University of technology and business
Jiangfan XieHebei Normal University
Jianli PanUniversity of Missouri – St. Louis
Jianlou ZhuangInstitute of Telecommunication and Navigation Satellites,CAST
Jianshuo DongWuhan University
Jianxun LiuHunan University of Science and Technology
Jiao ZhongJiangxi Normal University Science and Technology College
Jiaqi LiDalian Polytechnic University
Jiaxi LeiDepartment of Psychiatry, Nanjing Brain Hospital, Nanjing Medical University
Jiayuan LinGuangdong City College of Dongguan University of Technology
Jie HEWuhan University of Bioengineering
Jie HuXidian University
Jie WangHEU
Jie ZengTsinghua University
Jie-yao YingZheJiang University
Jieyang WangDalian Polytechnic University
Jihong JiangUniversity of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Jin RongluHarbin Engineer University
Jing CaoJinan University
Jing WangNorth China University of Technology (NCUT)
Jing WangShijiazhuang Information Engineering Vocational College
Jing-chao HuaCollege OF Humanities And Communication,Sanya University
Jing-qiong XiaoPanjin Vocational and Technical College
Jingyu LiHarbin University of Science and Technology
Jinpeng WeiInner Mongolia University
Jinsheng KongSchool of Software, Zhengzhou University
Jinshuai WangDalian Polytechnic University
Jinshun DingChangshu Meili Hospital
Jinyao liuJiangxi College of Applied Technology
João HenriquesUniversidade de Coimbra
John DooleyNational University of Ireland Maynooth
John Marlo EvangelistaUniversity of the Philippines
John Patrick ZamoraElectrical and Electronics Engineering Institute, University of the Philippines Diliman
Jokūbas SerapinasAalborg University
Jonas FegertFZI Forschungszentrum Informatik
Jonathan TakeshitaUniversity of Notre Dame
Jonathan TookeUniversity of Cape Town
José LousadoInstituto Politécnico de Viseu
Joy Iong-Zong ChenDep. EE Dayeh University Taiwan
Juan VelascoUniversidad Nacional de San Martín – Tarapoto
Jun LiShenzhen Academy of Inspection and Quarantine; Shenzhen Customs Information Center
Jun MouDalian Polytechnic University
Jun ShaoZheJiang Gongshang University
Jun ShenNanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Jun WuJiangxi Vocational Technical College of Industry & Trade
Jun XuStevens Institute of Technology
Jun-bo PiState Grid Corporation of China
Junaid GulKyungpook National University
Junhao YangGuangxi Normal University
Junjie WenDalian Polytechnic University
Junjie ZhangDalian Polytechnic University
junqiao LiuDalian Polytechnic University
Junrong GuoHebei Open University
Juntao SunZheJiang University of Technology
Junwei QiHarbin Engineering University
Junwei ZhangChongqing University
Justyna StypinskaFree University Berlin
Kai ShenZheJiang Zhongxin Power Engineering Construction Co.,Ltd.
Kai YangUniversity of Glasgow
Kaibin WanBeijing Institute of Technology
Kaichuang LiuTsinghua University
Kallista BallardIndiana University Purdue University Indianapolis
Kang ChengbinInstitute of Telecommunication and Navigation Satellites, CAST
Karsten WaltherPerinet GmbH
Karyn MaglalangUniversity of the Philippines Diliman
Katarzyna FligAalborg University
Katherine ConnellyIndiana University
Ke FengSichuan University
Kedun MaoSichuan University
Keith PaarpornUniversity of California
Ken Abryl Eleazar SalanioUniversity of the Philippines Diliman
Khalil Al-HussaeniRochester Institute of Technology
Khandakar AhmedIntelligent Technology Innovation Lab, Victoria University
Khang LuongHCMUT
Kia DashtipourUniversity of Glasgow
Kibret MequanintUniversity of Western Ontario Canada
Kien Cao VanNguyen Tat Thanh University
Kifle DagneAddis Ababa University
Kirubasri GSona college of Technology
Kok Wai WongMurdoch University
Koushik KarRensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Kuang WeidongDalian University of Technology
Kun ZhuoAir Force Engineering University
KUN-RU WUNational Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Kyle ZengArizona State University & The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Lai-Feng TangSchool of Intelligent Technology of Geely University
Laurent NelUniversité Paris-Saclay & Leuville Objects
Le The-AnhHanoi University of science and technology
Le-le WangState Grid Ningxia Electric Power Co., Ltd.
Lei NiuDepartment of Basic, Army Aviation Institution
Lei PanDeakin University
Lemlem HagosAddis Ababa University
Lena SchrammHochschule Karlsruhe – University of Applied Sciences
Leticia NeiraUANL
Li BeimingHarbin Engineer University
Li FuxiangChongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Li FuyangZhongyuan University of Technology
Li GangqingHarbin Engineer University
Li GuoTongling College
Li HaoUniversity of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Li LiWuhan University
Li MingyangDalian Polytechnic University
Li WangXi’an Aeronautical University
Li-ting LIUTibet University School of information science and technology
Liang HuaZheJiang Business College
Liang LuJinan Minzu Hospital
Liang XuDepartment of Public basic courses,Wuhan Institute of Design and Sciences
Lichao MengJimei University
Lie ZhikunFudan University
Lijuan ZhongXianYang Normal University
Likai WangTraffic police detachment of Xuzhou Public Security Bureau
Lin LiuInformation and Communcition College,National University of Defense Technology
Lin MeiNanjing University of Science and Technology
Lin YeEnjoymove Technology
Lin ZhangDalian University of Technology
Lin ZhangNortheast Petroleum University
Lina MohjaziUniversity of Glasgow
Linlin FengChongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Linlin LiuInner Mongolia University
Linshu OuyangInstitute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Liu ChungangHebei Normal University
Liu FengUniversity of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Liu KunXi’an Aeronautical University
Liu PengyuBeijing University of Technology
Liying ZhengHarbin Engineering University
Lloy Pool Pinedo TuanamaUniversidad Nacional de San Martín – Tarapoto
Loan TruongCai Nhum Town High School
Long LuHohai University
Long ZhaoBUPT
Longxiang GaoDeakin University
Lope II BeltranElectrical and Electronics Engineering Institute, University of the Philippines Diliman
Louise McCabeUniversity of Stirling
Lu CaoNational Innovation Institute of Defense Technology
Lu LiJiangxi Normal University Science and Technology College
Lu LuChinese Academy of Sciences
Lu-Jhou YehDa-Yeh University
Luciana Monteiro-KrebsPPGCOM/UFRGS and Mintlab/KU Leuven
Lucy LiuCentral University of Finance and Economics
Luis Jimenez-AngelesUniversidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Luís MarquesPolytechnic Institute of Viseu
Luming HanJinan hospital of traditional Chinese Medicine
MA Jin-ruBeijing Polytechnic
Mahmoud AbdallahUniversity collage Dublin (UCD)
Mahnoosh AlizadehUniversity of California, Santa Barbara
Malay GangopadayayaIEM Kolkata
Manal AlamirUmm Alqura University
Manasa KalanadhabhattaUniversity of Massachusetts Amherst
Manuel BenteleUniversity of Freiburg
Manuel MessnerUniversity of Freiburg
Marcelo RochaUniversidade Federal Fluminense
María Victoria Bueno DelgadoUniversidad Politécnica de Cartagena
Marin MarinovTechnical University of Sofia, Department of Electronics
Martina ScagnoliPolitecnico di Milano
Marwa ZiadiaLaval University
Maya BraunGhent University
Md Ibrahim Ibne AlamRensselaer Polytechnic institute
Md Nazmul HoqConcordia University
Md. Sabbir AhmedNorth South University
Md. Shohrab HossainBangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Meabh LoughmanMaynooth University
Mei ChenBeijing Polytechnic
Mei-li DaiRizhao Polytechnic
Meiling ChaoChongqing University
Mekonnen WagawBahir Dar University
Mélanie GozzoTilburg University
Menghua JiangYantai University
Mengying JiangHarbin Institute of Technology
Menwagaw Tadele DamtieDebre Tabor University
Metafet AbebeWollo University
Miao MiaoDalian Polytechnic University
Miao Miao YangGuangchuang Service Center of Guizhou Zhifu Optics Valley Investment Co., Ltd.
Miao WangState Grid Liaoning Electric Power Supply Co. LTD
Miao-geng WangCSG Peak shaving and frequency modulation power generation Co., Ltd
Michael GallagherUniversity of Edinburgh
Michael KerrRMIT University
Michal MorawskiLodz University of Technology
Micheal PehlTUM
Michel BarbeauCarleton University
Michele Della VenturaMusic Academy Studio Musica
Mick GriersonUniversity of the Arts London
Miguel VallesUniversidad Nacional de San Martín – Tarapoto
Mikkel AndersenAalborg University
Million MesheshaAddis Ababa University
Min CaoJianghan University
Min ChenNanchang Medical College school
Min LuoWuhan University
Min-na ZhengPanjin Vocational and Technical College
Mina CuThe University of Auckland
Minbale AdmasDebre Markos University
Ming YUELuliangfu Brand Color Printing Co., Ltd
Ming-xiu WanXinyu University
Minghong LiLiJiang Teachers Technical College
Mingjiao SunWuhan University of Technology
MingJie JiHarbin Institute of Technology
Mingtian WangChongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Mingxian ShenJimei University
Minh Thong VoDuy Tan University
Miriam NicolanskaUniversity of Zilina, Slovakia
Mohamed Islam KhaberUniversité Ferhat Abbas Sétif
Mohamed MejriLaval University
Mohammad RanjbarThe University of Akron
Mohd Fairuz ShiratuddinMurdoch University
Mohd Khalid MokhtarUniversiti Teknologi Malaysia
Mohd Shahid HusainUniversity of Technology & Applied Sciences CAS Ibri
Mohsin NazirLahore College for Women University, Pakistan
Monika JangraJawaharlal Nehru University
Mousumi SumiDynamic Solution Innovators (DSI) Limited
Mtamabari TorbiraUniversity of Port Harcourt
Muhammad Ismail Mat IshamUniversiti Teknologi Malaysia
Muhammad MajidUniversity of Engineering and Technology
Muhammad Muhaiminul IslamUniversity of Guelph
Muhammad RanaCharles Sturt University
Muqian HuangSouth China Institute of Software Engineering
Muyang Yanthe First Medical Center, Chinese PLA General Hospital
Mykola YevsiukLutsk National Technical University
Na ZhangInner Mongolia University
Nahum Flores GutierrezNational University of San Marcos
Nan ChengXidian University
Nan PeiBeijing Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering
Nankun MuChongqing University
Naoki DoteguchiTokyo Metropolitan University
Naoto TakedaKDDI Research, Inc.
Naoyuki KubotaTokyo Metropolitan University
Nasser KimbugweMAKERERE University
Nathan MwambaUniversity of the Western Cape
Naveen GuptaBITS Pilani Goa
Naveen JainArtificial Intelligence Group, CDAC
Nenad FilipovicUniversity of Kragujevac
Nessa BarryTechnology Enabled Care and Digital Healthcare Innovation, Scottish Government
Nghi TranThe University of Akron
Nhan NguyenHCMUT
Niels JacotWolffia
Nikolaos TriandopoulosStevens Institute of Technology
Nils FroleyksJohannes Kepler University Linz
Ning WangHarbin Institute of Technology
Nitish Kumar PanigrahyYale University
Niu BinXidian University
Niusen ChenMichigan Technological University
Nivedita BhirudVishwakarma Institute of Information Technology
Noor Asma HusainUTM
Nooria RafieHuazhong University of Science and Technology
Nova AhmedNorth South University
Nyi-Nyi HtunHuman-Computer Interaction (HCI), KU Leuven
Okaie YutakaOsaka City University
Olga TimcenkoAalborg University
Omer QureshiDEWA
Omonhinmin, A. naCovenant University
Pan XueEurasia University
Paolo SantiMIT
Patrick ShihIndiana University Bloomington
Patrik ŠvábTechnical University of Kosice
Paul YuU.S. Army Research Laboratory
Paula Fraga-LamasUniversidade da Coruña
Pawan SubediThe University of Alabama
Pedro RochaADIT-LAB, Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo
Pedro ValentimFluminense Federal University – UFF
Pegah KarimiIndiana University Purdue University Indianapolis
Pei TingruiXiangtan University
PeiZhao Zhu ZhuShenzhen University
Peng GaoCSG Peak shaving and frequency modulation power generation Co., Ltd
Peng LiByteDance
Peng YeUniversity of Electronic Science & Technology of China
Pengfei ShenTechnology and Engineering Center for Space Utilization, CAS
Pengyuan ChenResearch Institute of Photonics, Dalian Polytechnic University
Peter KorbaTechnical University of Košice
Petro BakhovskyyLutsk National Technical University
Phat Nguyen HuuHanoi University of Science and Technology
Philip BrownUniversity of Colorado, Colorado Springs
Philipp SchollUniversity of Freiburg
Phung Kim Phuongle quy don technical University
Pietro DeLellisUniversity of Naples Federico II
Ping WangSchool of Yunnan Technology and Business University
Ping ZhangBeijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Ping-Feng HuangDa-Yeh University
Pinglan LiuIowa State University
Pingshan LiuGuangxi Key Laboratory of Trusted Software, Guilin University of Electronic Technology
Pio Jonel MijaresElectrical and Electronics Engineering Institute, University of the Philippines Diliman
Pooja VaziraniIndiana University Purdue University Indianapolis
Prajowal ManandharDubai Electricity and Water Authority
Prasan Kumar SahooChang Gung University
Pravin BhoyarDeputy Director, Symbiosis International (Deemed University)
Priyanka JainArtificial Intelligence Group, CDAC, Delhi
Dian DamayantiInstitut Ilmu Sosial Dan Manajemen STIAMI DKI
Puning ZhangChongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Punit RathoreMassachusetts Institute of Technology,
Punitha VSaranathan College of Engineering
Purvi SampatVishwakarma Institue of Information Technology
Qi FengWuhan University
Qi NieKunming College Metallurgical
Qi ZhangNanjing University
Qi-xiang WuFuyang Normal University
Qian ZhouGuizhou Power Grid Corporation
Qiang SunNortheast Agricultural University,College of Economics and Management
Qiang WangSchool of Intelligent Technology of Geely University
Qiang YangHarbin Institute of Technology
Qijia DongSpace Start Technology Co.
Qing LiHuali College of Guangdong University of Technology
Qingming HuangHarbing Engineering University and University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Qiu-jiao HuangGuangxi Modern Polytechnic College
Qiu-ying LvSchool of economics and management,Yantai Institute of technology
Qiubo YeJimei University
Qiuna ZhangHarbin Institute of Technology
Qiuyi SuiHarbin Institute of Technology
Quan Nguyen Ngo AnhDuy Tan University
Quan QinWuhan University
Quang NgoHCMUT
Quang Phuong NguyenLe Quy Don Technical University
Quazi MamunCharles Sturt University
Rafiqul IslamCharles Sturt University
Rahman ZiaurRMIT University
Rahul ChandanUniversity of California, Santa Barbara
Rahul KherG H Patel College of Engineering & Technology
Rahul MushiniMaynooth University
Rajesh Sharma RajendranHindusthan College of Engineering & Technology
Rajiv DivekarDirector, Symbiosis International (Deemed University)
Ram Kumar CDr.NGP Institute of technology
Ran MaTibet University School of information science and technology
Ravi Teja Narasimha JorigayIndiana University Purdue University Indianapolis
Reinhardt KarnapkePerinet GmbH
Ren JunWeifang University of Science
Renato SassiUniversidade Nove de Julho
Renping LiuUniversity of Technology Sydney
Reza DarmakusumaInstitut Teknologi Bandung
Ri-han WUNorthwest Minzu University
Ricardo López-GutíerrezCINVESTAV
Richard ButeauDover corp.
Richard InjanteUniversidad Nacional de San Martín
Roberto LegaspiKDDI Research, Inc.
Roberto RománUniversity of Seville
Roel OcampoElectrical and Electronics Engineering Institute, University of the Philippines Diliman
Rogerio aquinoUniversidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Ron van SchyndelRMIT University – School of Computer Science and IT
Rong XuAnhui Radio and TV University
Rong-rong RuanFuyang Normal University
Ronghai YangSangfor Technology Inc & The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Ronghan WangJiangxi College of Applied Technology
Ruijie ZhangInformation Engineering University
Ruiqi ZengNo.30 Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation
Ruixin MaDalian University of Technology
Ruiyan DuHebei Normal University
Ruoshui ZhouUniversity of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Rutuja PoteVishwakarma Institute of Information Technology
Sadeem AlharthiUmm Alqura University
Saeid Pourroostaei ArdakaniUniversity of Nottingham Ningbo China
Sai Prabanjan Kumar KalvapalliNIT Trichy
Saleh AlkhameesUmm Al Qura University
Samer Al-RabeeiTechnical University of Kosice
Samuel StranksUniversity of Cambridge
Sanay Muhammad Umar SaeedUniversity of Engineering and Technology Taxila
Sandra AntunesInstituto Politécnico de Viseu
Sanjiv KapoorIllinois Institute of Technology
Sara MunkAalborg University
Sarat MokaMacquarie University
Sebastian BöhmUniversity of Bamberg
Sebastiano MilardoMassachusetts Institute of Technology
Seid AhmedWollo University, Kombolcha Institute of Technology
Selma YahiaUniversity of M’Hamed Bougara Boumerdes
Sergey B. MakarovPeter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU)
Sergio OrdoñezFIME-UANL
Sergio Salazar-CruzCINVESTAV
Seth BaumGlobal Catastrophic Risk Institute
Sgouris SgouridisDubai Electricity and Water Authority
Shahad AlqurashiUmm Alqura University
Shan JiangShenyang Institute of Technology
Shangcheng ShiThe Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shaobo JiaZhengzhou University
Shaochi ChengAcademy of Military Science of PLA
Shaoqin KouNational University of Defense Technology
Sheikh Rabiul IslamUniversity of Hartford
Sheng HaoChang’an University
Shengzong HanShandong College of Information Vocational and Technology
Shi JiantingHeilongJiang University of Science & Technology
Shian-Yu ChiuNational Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Shidong ZhouTsinghua University
Shihan YaoNFLS
Shimin WuChina University of Geosciences
Shio KawakamiThe University of Electro-Communications
Shiqi SuSouthwest Forestry University
Shivakumar SastryUniversity of Akron, USA
Shizeng GuoHarbin Institute of Technology
Shoujin HuangNanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Shouzhong ZhuHunan Positive Ship Technology Co., Ltd.
Shu-Wen ChenJiangsu Second Normal University
Shuai FuBeijing Polytechnic
Shuai LinShandong Non-metallic Materials Institute
Shuang ZhengHeilongJiang University of Science & Technology
Shuangna ZhangSpace Start Technology Co.
Shumet GetahunBahir Dar Institute of Technology, Bahir Dar University
Shumin ZhangQinghai Normal University
Shuo ChenMinzu University of China
Simon JanzerHochschule Karlsruhe
Simon RettbergUniversity of Freiburg
Simonas ČeponisAalborg Universitet
Simone PanicucciComau S.p.a.
Sivan Gaides CromeHIT
Siyang ZhaoBeijing Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering
Solomon TeferraAddis Ababa University
Son TranQueensland University of Technology
Sonia Elisa CaregnatoUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Sophiane SenniSecure-IC
Sophie TaylorQueensland University of Technology
Soumyadip SarkarIEM Kolkata
Sreenivasulu PalaAmrita University
Sri Sai Apoorva TirumalasettyAmrita Viswavidyapeetham
Stacey ScottUniversity of Guelph
Stephane BlouinDefence R&D Canada, Atlantic Research Centre
Stéphanie CarlierGhent University
Subhash TataleVishwakarma Institute of Information Technology
Sujuan ZhangKunming University of science and technology
Sumathi ShanmugamAmrita University
Sundar RDr.NGP Institute of technology
Supriya MAmrita University
Surendiran BalasubramanianNIT Puducherry
Suryadipta MajumdarConcordia University
Syed ShahCoventry University
Sylvain GuilleySecure-IC & Telecom-Paris
Taeho JungUniversity of Notre Dame
Tahani AlqurashiUmm Alqura University
Tai Le DanhLe Quy Don Technical University
Talip Tolga SarıIstanbul Technical University
Talon FlynnUniversity of Nebraska-Omaha
Tamiru GetahunASTU
Tan PhungHanoi University of Science and Technology
Tao GanUniversity of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Tao JiangChongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Tao JinHeilongJiang University of Science and Technology
Tao WanEast China Jiaotong University
Tejas KachareVishwakarma Institute of Technology
Tesfa TegegneBahir Dar University
Tesfahunegn MengistuBahir Dar University
Tewodrose MeselawWollo University
Thanh van DoTelenor – Oslo Metropolitan University
Thanh VoDuy Tan University
Thokozani VallentUniversity of Rwanda
Tiago M. Fernández-CaramésUniversidade da Coruña
Tian WenHebei Normal University
Tian-hui WangZhuhai College of Jilin University
Tianpu ZhangNorth China University of Technology
Tibebu Merde ZelelewBahir Dar University
Tien VuLe Quy Don Technical University
Tijana SustersicFaculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac
Tileye SenbetaAddis Ababa University
Tim SchlippeIU International University of Applied Sciences
Ting LiZheJiang Normal University
Tingting WangUJN
Tinh DoHo Chi Minh City University of Transport
Tobias GötzJustus Liebig University Giessen
Tom OngwereUniversity of Dayton
Tomas BalyoCAS Software
Tomas Eloy Salais FierroUniversidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon
Tram Anh Nguyen ThiHo Chi Minh City Open University
Tri Thien Vo PhamHo Chi Minh City University of Education
Trung-Kiet TranHo Chi Minh City Open University
Truong NguyenLe Quy Don Technical University
Tuan DuongHCMUT
Tuan LeUniversity of Information Technology, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City
Tuan-Anh PhamSouthern Vietnam Maritime Safety Corporation, Vietnam
Tutku KaracolakSchool of Engineering and Computer Science, Washington State University Vancouver, USA
Ugochukwu O. MatthewHussaini Adamu Federal Polytechnic
Vaishnavi NarangGauatam Buddha University
Valerio BelcaminoPolitecnico di Torino
Van Bay HoangLe Quy Don Technical University
Van Thuan DoWolffia
Van Tuan LuuInstitute of System Integration, Le Quy Don Technical University
Van-Trung NguyenLe Quy Don Technical University
Vasileios TsoukasIntelligent Systems Laboratory, University of Thessaly
Vei Siang ChanUniversiti Teknologi Malaysia
Viet Nguyen QuocHo Chi Minh City University of Education
Viet VoMonash University
Viet VuHanoi University of Science and Technology
Vikash YadavABES Engineering College
Vinaya KumarVishwakarma Institute of Information Technology
Violet MwaffoUnited States Naval Academy
Vivian AlbertsDubai Electricity and Water Authority
Vladimir Axl Von Carlo ZurbanoUniversity of the Philippines Diliman
Vo Thi Hong TuyetHo Chi Minh City Open University
Vo VanDuy Tan University
Waltteri NybomUniversity of the Arts London
Wang fenglingHeihe University
Wang LinweiHarbin Institute of Technology at Weihai
Wang MengHarbin Institute of Technology
Wang ShihaoHarbin Engineering University
Wanglong ZhaoHainan University
Wanjie RenShandong Institute of Non-metallic Materials
Wanjun ChenGuangzhou University
Wanli TuJimei University
Wardah BatoolUniversity of Engineering and Technology, Taxila
Wei BaoThe University of Sydney, Australia
Wei Kian TanRaffles University
Wei LiDalian Polytechnic University
Wei WangUniversity of Leicester
Wei WangXi’an Aeronautical University
Wei WeiState Grid Hangzhou Xiaoshan Power Supply Company
Wei XiangLa Trobe University
Wei Yanthe First Medical Center, Chinese PLA General Hospital
Wei ZhouChongqing University
Wei-hua ZhuXinyu University
Wei-Jie TangSchool of Industrial Automation,Zhuhai College of Bejing Institute of Technology
Wei-yang ZhuZheJiang Zhongxin Power Engineering Construction Co.,Ltd.
Weichuan LiaoEast China Jiaotong University
Weidong YangHenan University of Technology
Weihong ShenHenan Technical College of Construction
Weimin GeTianjin University
Weisong ShiWayne State University
Weiwei LiuTraffic police detachment of Xuzhou Public Security Bureau
Weiyue ChengHeilongJiang College of Business and Technology
Wen GaoDalian University of Technology
Wen ZhangChongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Wen ZhangSchool of Sciences,East China University of Technology
Wen-Bin ZhangHonghe University
Wenbo HuDalian Polytechnic University
Wenchao YangSupervisor
Wenhui ZhaoNortheastern University
Wenjie YeIntelligent Technology Innovation Lab, Victoria University
Wenjing ShangHarbin Engineering University
Wensheng ZhangIowa State University
Wenxu ZhangHarbin Engineering University
Wenxuan ZhangguNFLS
William Bradley GlissonSam Houston State University
Wing Cheong LauThe Chinese University of Hong Kong
Wu TongHohai University
Wugedele BaoHohhot Minzu College
Xian-ying MengDepartment of Foundationt, Panjin Vocational and Technical College
Xianbo WangThe Chinese University of Hong Kong
Xiang YanInformation Center of Pu’er University
Xiang yu LuoWu Han University
Xiang ZhangUniversity of Electronic Science & Technology of China
Xiao LiDalian Polytechnic University
Xiao XiaoXidian University
Xiao-feng HuangSchool of Computer,Guangdong AIB Polytechnic College
Xiao-gang MaShandong Vocational College of Science and Technology
Xiao-jing QiChongqing telecommunication Vocational College
Xiao-li RenZhongye Design Co.,Ltd.
Xiao-tian YangTibet University School of information science and technology
Xiao-zheng WanQilu University of Technology
Xiaobin GuoZhengzhou Railway Vocational and Technical College
Xiaochuan WuHarbin Institute of Technology
Xiaofeng LiuHarbin Institute of Technology, China
XiaoFeng ShaoSouthwest Forestry University
Xiaohong LiTianjin University
Xiaojuan MaIowa State University
Xiaowei GuJiangsu Second Normal University
Xiaoxuan MaSouth-central University for Nationalities
Xiaoyan HongUniversity of Alabama
Xiaoyan HuangHenan Normal University
Xiaoyan ZhangBeijing University of Posts and Telecomm
Xiaoying HuangYulin Normal University
Xiaoyun XiongQingdao University of Technological
Xie ShenJimei University
Xie XieNorthwest University
Xin DaiZaozhuang Vocational College of Science &Technology
Xin SunZheJiang University
Xin ZhangHarbin Institute of Technology
Xin ZhaoDalian Polytechnic University
Xindong ChenNanchang University
Xinfeng LiuShandong Jianzhu University
Xing MengdaNorth China University of Technology
Xingcheng LiuSun Yat-sen University
Xinlu LiHuizhou Engineering Vocational College
Xintong HanDalian Polytechnic University
Xinxin FuUniversity of Shanghai for Science and Technology
Xinyu GuoYantai University, China
Xinyu ZhangUniversity of Glasgow
Xiping HuLanzhou University
Xiuhua LiChongqing University
Xiwei XuNorthwestern Polytechnial University
Xu XuWuzhou University
Xu-hui ZhangCSG Peak shaving and frequency modulation power generation Co., Ltd
Xuan Tung TruongLe Quy Don Technical University
Xudong ZhaoXuchang Cigarette Factory, China Tobacco Henan Industrial Co., Ltd.
Xue JINNanjing University of Finance & Economics Hongshan College
Xue-mei LiBeijing Polytechnic
Xuejun LiDalian Polytechnic University
Xuemei FuGuangxi Normal University
Xuemei HuShandong Xiehe University
Xuemeng ZhaiUniversity of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Xuezheng YueUniversity of Shanghai for Science and Technology
Xuqun PeiJinan Central Hospital
Yachen HeNo.30 Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation
Yan ChenYunnan University of Bussiness Management
Yan LiuDalian Polytechnic University
Yanan DaiDalian Polytechnic University
Yang GuoAcademy of Military Science of PLA
Yang LiFudan University
Yang LiCentral University of Finance and Economics
Yang SunZheJiang Zhongxin Power Engineering Construction Co.,Ltd.
Yang YingweiHarbin Engineer University
Yang ZhangHarbin Institute of Technology
Yang ZhangMacau University of Science and Technology
Yang-lu RenXinyu University
Yangrui DongNorthwest University
Yaning ZangShanghai University of Sport
Yanmei JiaChinese Academy of Sciences
Yanmin HeUniversity of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Yanmin WangHarbin Institute of Technology
Yanting LvState Grid Gansu Electric Power Research Institute
Yanwei JiaoXi’an Fanyi University
Yao ChenYunnan Technology and Business University
Yao GeUniversity of Glasgow
Yao XuHarbin Institute of Technology
Yao ZhangTianjin University
Yaqianwen SuArtificial Intelligence Research Center, Defense Innovation Institute
Yemin SunGuilin University of Electronic University
Yi XINBeijing Polytechnic
Yi ZhangIllinois Institute of Technology
Yi ZhangZheJiang Gongshang University
Yidi ChenResearch Institute of Photonics, Dalian Polytechnic University
Yifan WangStevens Institute of Technology
Yige ChenInstitute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Yiming DuUniversity of Nottingham Ningbo China
Ying GaoYantai University
Ying LiuDepartment of Public basic courses,Wuhan Institute of Design and Sciences
Ying WangPanjin Vocational and Technical College
Ying WeiShenyang Institute of Technology
Ying XuXinyu University
Ying ZhongNational Sciences Institute of Innovation
Yinghua WangNanjing Research Institute of ZTE Corporation
Yingtao NiuNanjing Telecommunication Technology Institute
Yingyan HouTsinghua University
Yipai YanHarbin Institute of Technology
Yiqun XuJimei University
Yiru NiuScience and Technology on Communication Security Laboratory
Yitao ChenWuhan Maritime Communication Research Institute
Yiteng ZhangTongji University
Yixin WangChangshu No.2 People’s Hospital
Yiyue JiangNortheastern University
Yizhu ZhaoChongqing University
Yong FangShanghai University
Yong FengHarbin Institute of Technology
Yongliang SunNanjing Tech University
Yonglin WuFudan University
Yongming ChenYulin Normal University
Yongpan ZouShenzhen University
Yosef MaledeDebretabor University
Yu DingZheJiang University of Technology
Yu FuHeilongJiang University of Science and Technology
Yu YanHarbin Engineering University
Yu-Chee TsengNational Chiao Tung University
Yu-hua GaiSchool of economics and management,Yantai Institute of technology
Yuan JieMinzu University of China
Yuan MiaoIntelligent Technology Innovation Lab, Victoria University
Yuan WangChangshu Institute of Technology
Yuan Yuan PanYulin Normal University
Yubo ZhangHarbin Engineering University
Yuchen ShanZheJiang Normal University
Yuchen ZhangStevens Institute of Technology
Yufu TanChina University of Petroleum,Beijing
Yuhan GuNFLS
Yujie SunZheJiang Normal University
Yujie WangUniversity of Jinan
Yun ChungAdama Science and Technology University
Yunfeng WangZheJiang University
Yunlong MaDalian University of Technology
Yunxian ChenZheJiang University of Techonology
Yuqi SunInstitute of Psychology, CAS
Yutao FuDalian Polytechnic University
Yutong WuNFLS
Yuxia YuanZhengzhou University of Science and Technology
YuXuan ZuoSouthwest Forestry University
Suyan PengYulin Normal University
Zai-ling ZhouGuangzhou Metro Design & Reserch Institute Co.,Ltd.
Zai-xing SuPanjin Vocational and Technical College
Zainab KhalidNational University of Science and Technology
Zdravko BotevUniversity of New South Wales
Zengyong XuHenan College of Transportation
Zhang HongyanDalian University of Technology
Zhang JieHarbin Engineering University
Zhang LeleChongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Zhang Li HuanHeilongJiang University of Science and Technology
Zhang WenXiangWuZhou University
Zhanzheng XuDalian Polytechnic University
Zhao DecaiQingHai Nationalities University
Zhao haojunHEU
Zhaolong NingSchool of Software, Dalian University of Technology
Zhaoyang HanNortheastern University
Zhaoyi ShiMinzu University of China
Zhen JialingHarbin Institute of Technology
Zhen ZhenYunnan University of Business Management
Zheng ChenWuhan College of Arts & Science
Zheng ZhangNanyang Institute of Technology
Zhenni FengDonghua University
Zhenping QiangSouthwest Forestry University
Zhenyang ZhongUniversity of Electronic Science & Technology of China
Zhi-hua PengShaoyang University
Zhi-li LinGuangzhou Metro Design & Reserch Institute Co.,Ltd.
Zhi-wei LiuShenzhen Power Supply Bureau Power Dispatching and Control Center
Zhi-wei ShaoEurasia University
Zhichao ShengShanghai University
Zhicheng YangPAII Inc.
Zhidong DengState Grid Customer Service Center, Tianjin, China
Zhigang WangNanchang University
Zhiguo DingThe University of Manchester
Zhikun WangZhengzhou University of Aeronautics
Zhili NiWuhan Railway Vocational College of Technology
Zhimei YangXi’an Institute of Space Radio Technology
Zhiqiang HuQingdao University of Technological
Zhiyu HuangShanghai University
Zhizhong ZhangNanjing University of Information Science and Technology
Zhong LiChongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Zhongshu YuGuilin University of Electronic University
Zhongxiang LuZheJiang Gongshang University
Zhou WeidongNanjing University
Zhu WeichenHarbin Institute of Technology
Zhuang MiaoHarbin University of Science and Technology
Zhuowen ChenDalian Polytechnic University
Zibo HeBeijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Zijun GaoDalian Polytechnic University
Zirong BUNo. 36 Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation
Ziteng WangNanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Ziyad AlmudayniLa Trobe University
Ziyi WuYulin Normal University

The post Announcing EAI Senior Members Class of 2022 appeared first on EAI - European Alliance for Innovation.

Announcing EAI Distinguished Members Class of 2022 https://eai.eu/blog/announcing-eai-distinguished-members-class-of-2022/ Wed, 11 Jan 2023 11:24:18 +0000 https://eai.eu/?p=10016689 EAI is proud to announce EAI Distinguished Members Class of 2022. A recognition awarded to the top 0.5% of its members. This year the honor goes to 487 professionals earning an objective and transparent nomination for extraordinary accomplishments in their technical areas as evaluated by members of the EAI Community around the world. Congratulations to […]

The post Announcing EAI Distinguished Members Class of 2022 appeared first on EAI - European Alliance for Innovation.


EAI is proud to announce EAI Distinguished Members Class of 2022.

A recognition awarded to the top 0.5% of its members. This year the honor goes to 487 professionals earning an objective and transparent nomination for extraordinary accomplishments in their technical areas as evaluated by members of the EAI Community around the world.

Congratulations to the following EAI members awarded the Distinguished Member title in 2022!
(In alphabetical order)

Abiy Tadesse AAiT, AAU
Ahmed A. El-Latif Menoufia University
Ahmed Alkhayyat Islamic University
Ahmed Fathalla Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University
Ahmed J. Obaid University of Kufa
Ahmed Zoha University of Glasgow
Ai-ping ZHANG School of Software, East China JiaoTong University
Almas Kaveh Beihang University
Amar Ramdane-Cherif Université de Versailles St-Quentin-en-Yvelines
Anca Delia Jurcut University College Dublin
Andrei Kelarev RMIT University
Ang LI Zhuhai College of Jilin University
Anh-Cang Phan Vinh Long University of technology education
Anum Kiyani Middlesex University
Asma Benmessaoud Gabis Ecole nationale Supérieure d’Informatique
Bakhadyr Khoussainov The University of Auckland
Bao Le Duy Tan University
Bao Peng Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology
Bao-ren CHEN Communication Office of China Southern Power Grid
Bekhit Mahmoud University of Technology Sydney Australia
Berk Canberk Istanbul Technical University
Bigomokero Antoine Bagula Universisty of the Western Cape
Bimrew Tamrat Bahir Dar University
Bin Hu Lanzhou University
Bin-bin LIU Nanchang Normal University
Bing-bing HAN Panjin Vocational and Technical College
Bo Chen Michigan Technological University
Bo Li Harbin Institute of Technology
Bo SUN School of Labor Relations and Human Resource,China University of Labor Relations
Bohang Chen Qinghai Normal University
Breno Cruz Virginia Tech
Bui Minh Phung Van Lang University
Bushra Naeem BUITEMS
Cai-cun CEN School of Electronics and Information Engineering,WuZhou University
Cai-ming ZHANG School of Labor Relations and Human Resource,China University of Labor Relations
Cai-xu XU School of Electronics and Information Engineering,WuZhou University
Cai-yun DI Baoding Technical College of Electric Power
Changgen Peng Guizhou University, China
Changjun Yu Harbin Institute of technology,Weihai
Chao-Tung Yang Tunghai University
Chen Cui Harbin Institute of Technology
Chen Ling GuiZhou University
CHEN Sen University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Chen Xiang No.30 Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation
Chen-can Wang Information Engineering University
Chenchen Tan Deakin University
Cheng-hui ZHANG Xinyu University
Cheng-zhao CHEN Wuhan College of Arts & Science
Chenyu Zhao Dalian Polytechnic University
Chi-ping LI Guangzhou Maritime University
Chirag Paunwala E&C Department, SCET
Chomora Mikeka University of Malawi
Chonggao CHEN Huali College Guangdong University of Technology
Chun-hu HE Chongqing Toramon Technology Co., Ltd
Chun-ni ZHENG Chongqing Chemical Industry Vocational College
Chungen Xu Nanjing University of science and technology
Chuting Lin South China University of technology
Cong Zhou Harbin Institute of Technology
Cristina Wanzeller Polytechnic of Viseu
Cuong Pham-Quoc Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HCMUT)
Dan LUO School of Intelligent Technology ,Geely University of China
Dan Nicolau Jr. Queensland University of Technology
Dan Wang Medical and nursing branch,Panjin Vocational and Technical College
Dan ZHAO Beijing Polytechnic, College of Mechatronic Engineering
Dan ZHAO Changchun institute of finance and economics
David Pym University College London
Delu Li Jiangsu Vocational Institute of Architectural Technology
Dianhui Chu Harbin Institute of Technology
Dong shan China Electronics Technology Cyber Security Co., Ltd
Dong-bao MA College of Mechatronic Engineering, Beijing Polytechnic
Dong-dong LIU WEIFANG University
Dong-dong SUO Zhengzhou Technical College
Elda Reyes-Varela Tecnológico Nacional de México/I.T Nuevo León
Eli Tilevich Virginia Tech
En FANG Xuzhou University of Technology
Enbo Zhang Dalian Polytechnic University
Er-wei Liu Chongqing Vocational College of Transportation
Eshete Berhan Addis Ababa University
Fa-li MI Shanghai Aurora College
Fa-yue ZHENG Mechanical and Electronic Engineering School, Beijing Polytechnic
Fang LIU Shenyang Institute of Science and Technology
Fasikaw Atanaw Bahir Dar University Ethiopia
Fei GAO Tibet University School of information science and technology
Fen Wang Wuhan Aiwuyou Technology Co.Ltd
Feng Wang JiuJiang University
Feng Zhi-xin Beijing Polytechnic
Feng-shuo YAN The Second Research Institute of Civil Aviation Administration of China
Francesco Fioranelli TU Delft
Fu-lian ZHONG XinYu University
Fugang Liu HeilongJiang University of Science and Technology
Fushan Wei State Key Laboratory of Mathematical Engineering and Advanced Computing
Gan Lu Brunel University
Gang Qiu Shandong University; Changji University
Gokhan Secinti Istanbul Technical University
Gu Yebo Harbin Institute of technology
Guan Haiyan Shenzhen Second Senior High School
Guan-hua Fu State Grid Hangzhou Xiaoshan Power Supply Company
Guang TAO Wuhan University of Bioengineering
Guang XIE School of Information & Intelligence Engineering University of Sanya
Guanghua Yu Heihe University
Guanglu Sun Harbin University of Science and Technology
Gui-xiu XIE Guangdong Polytechnic College
Guo Hui WUZHOU University
Guo-hua ZHU School of Artificial Intelligence,Jianghan University
Guo-yan HUANG College of Information Science and Engineering,Yanshan University
Guozhi LIN Quanzhou Arts And Crafts Vocational College
Gustavo DE ARAUJO Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Ha Quang Thinh Ngo Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
Hadas Lewy Holon Institute of Technology
Hai Thanh Nguyen Can Tho University
Hai Zhou Hai Zhou College of Science, Engineering, agriculture and medicine, Gansu Radio & Television University
Hai-bo ZHANG Dalian University of Science and Technology
Hai-xiao GONG Wuzhou University
Hai-ying CHEN Department of Public courses,Tianmen Vocational College
Hai-yun HAN School of Humanities and Social Sciences,Sanya Aviation & Tourism College
Hailu Shimles Gebremedhen Bahir Dar Institute of Technology
Haiming Lan Qinghai Normal University
Han LI School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Liaoning University of Technology
Hang Guo Nanchang University
Hang ZHANG College of Computer and Information Engineering, Tianjin Agricultural University
Hao Lu Hohai University
Hao-nan CHU School of Labor Relations and Human Resource,China University of Labor Relations
Haoran Zha Harbin Engineering University
Haoran Zhang Harbin Institute of Technology
He Jian Harbin Institute of Technology
Hervé Debar Télécom SudParis
Hiroyuki Sato The University of Electro-Communications
Hloni Maluleke University of the Western Cape
Hong CAI Weifang Engineering Vocational College
Hong-bing Jiang School of road bridge and architecture,Chongqing Vocational College of Transportation
Hong-gang Wang Fuyang Normal University
Hong-wei TIAN Chongqing Vocational College of Transportation
Hong-yu HUANG Guangxi Modern Polytechnic College
Honglin Hu Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Hongqing Liu Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Hongyan Lu Wuzhou University
Hou Changbo HEU
Houbing Song Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Hua FAN Department of Medical Care, Panjin Vocational and Technical College
Huan-Yu ZHAO Qilu University of Technology
Hugo Peixoto University of Minho
Hui CHAI Qilu University of Technology
Hui Lin College of Art, Xinyu University
Hui-fang GUO Inner Mongolia Vocational and Technical College of Architecture
Hui-ying YAN Institute of Technology, East China Jiaotong University
Huu-Thanh Duong Ho Chi Minh City Open University
Jakub Kaščak Technical University of Košice, Faculty of maufacturing technologies with seat in Prešov
JAMAL MABROUKI University of Mohammed V, Rabat
Ji-ming ZHANG Qilu University of Technology
Ji-wei Liu College of Design & Art,Shenyang Aerospace University
Jia QIAN Press Department Anhui University of Arts
Jia Wang Yunnan Open University, Mechanical Engineering College
Jia YU School of Information Engineering East China Jiaotong University
Jia-wei YUAN College of Education,hanghai Aurora College
Jiamou Liu The University of Auckland
Jian-mei SUN Dalian University of Science and Technology
Jiang-lin LU Chongqing Vocational College of Transportation
Jianguang Chen University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Jiaqi Su Harbin Institute of Technology
Jiawu Yu Dalian polytechnic University
Jichao YAN Zhengzhou Technical College
Jidong Feng University of Jinan
Jie Cheng Changji University
Jie HE Wuzhou University
Jin Zhang Southern University of Science and Technology
Jin-hua LIU XinYu University
Jin-tian YIN Shaoyang University
Jindong Xu Yantai Univerisity,China
Jing He Chongqing Vocational College of Transportation
Jing ZHAO Xi’an International Studies University
Jingrou Wu Southern University of Science and Technology
Jingya ZHENG Zhengzhou Technical College
Jinlong Wang Qingdao University of Technological
Jinrong Cui South China Agricultural University
Jinwei Huang Harbin Institute of Technology
Jonam Sánchez-Cuevas Tecnológico Nacional de México/I.T Saltillo
Jose Hernandez-Vega Tecnológico Nacional de México/I.T Nuevo León
Juan Luo Yunnan Institute of Economics and Management
Jun FU Jiangxi Tourism and Commerce Vocational College
Jun Hou Nanjing Institute of Industry Technology
Jun LI Shenzhen Academy of Inspection and Quarantine; Shenzhen Customs Information Center
Jun Zeng Chongqing University
Jun-ci TANG State Grid Liaoning Electric Power Supply Co.,LTD; State Grid Corporation of China
Jun-hao QIAO Zhengzhou vocational and technical college
Jun-mei LI Jingchu University of Technology
JunHong Zhong Huizhou Engineering Vocational College
Junpeng Chen Hunan University of Technology and Business
Junwei Luo RMIT University
Jurong Hu Hohai University
Kai Ye Lanzhou University
Kai-Kit Wong University College London
Kamran Ali Middlesex University
Kayalvizhi Jayavel SRM Institute of Science and Technology
Ke Lan Beijing SensEcho Science & Technology Co., Ltd.
Keiki Takadama The University of Electro-Communications
Keo Dong Van Nguyen Tat Thanh University
Kien Dang Ho Chi Minh City University of Transport
Kim-KWang Raymond Choo University of Texas at San Antonio
Lei Tong Wuhan Business University
Li AN Rizhao Polytechnic
Li Liu China University of Labor Relations
Li Wang Communication Office of China Southern Power Grid
Li Yu Chongqing Chemical lndustry Vocational College
Li Zhang Nanchang Institute of Science and Technology
Li-feng Wang BaiSe University
Li-jun YUN Baotou Teachers College,Inner Mongolia
Li-kuan Gong Shenzhen Power Supply Bureau Power Dispatching and Control Center
Li-li Wang Anhui University of Arts
Li-min ZHANG School of economics and managementl,Shenyang Institute of Technology
Li-na DONG School of the arts,Tianjin University of Commerce
Lian-huan Zhu State Grid Hangzhou Xiaoshan Power Supply Company
Lian-shi DONG Medical and nursing branch,Panjin Vocational and Technical College
Liang LU Xinyu University
Liang Ye Harbin Institute of Technology
Lili SUN University of Southern Queensland
Lin CHEN Wuhan QingChuan University
Lin Chen NanChang University
Lin HE Fuyang Normal University
Lin-ze GAO Guilin University Of Electronic Technology
Ling CHENG Institute of Technology, East China Jiaotong University
Ling Song Shandong Jianzhu University
Liping Liu Jiangxi Industry Polytechnic College
Liyakathunisa Syed Taibahu University
Liyan Zhang Harbin Institute of Technology
Liyao Ma University of Jinan
Liyun Mo ZheJiang Normal University
Lu GUO School of information and control, Shenyang Institute of Technology
Lu Zhengjie Hechi Normal University, China
Luis Reynoso-Guajardo Tecnológico Nacional de México/I.T Nuevo León
Marius-Constantin Ilau University College London
Matthias Wölfel Hochschule Karlsruhe
Mei Zhao Hebei Normal University
Mei-bin QI Dongying Vocational Institute
Meiqi Lin Hanzhong Vocational and Technical College
Meng Xue Wuhan University
Meng YE CSG Peak shaving and frequency modulation power generation Co., Ltd
Mi MENG Chongqing telecommunication Vocational College
Mian Ahmad Jan Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Pakistan
Michael Melese Addis Ababa University
Min Gao Chongqing University
Min LIN Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Ming Li The State 722 Factory
Ming QIN Jiangxi Tourism and Commerce Vocational College
Ming-chin Lu Asia University
Mingran Li University of Jinan
Mingxin Liu Harbin Engineering University
Mingxu Sun School of Electrical Engineering University of Jinan
Mingxu Wang Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
Minqiang Yang Lanzhou University
Minting Qin Yulin Normal University
Mirelys Puerta-Díaz UNESP
Mitiku Damtie Bahir Dar University
Mohamed Ali Mohamed
Mohiuddin Ahmed Edith Cowan University
Mourade Azrour Faculty of sciences and techniques, Moulay Ismail University of Meknes, Morocco
Nai-xiang LI Tianjin Agricultural University
Nan QIN Dalian Institute of Science and Technology
Nguyen Huu Nhan Nguyen Tat Thanh University
Nguyen Thanh Binh Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
Nguyen Van Han Nguyen Tat Thanh University
Nguyen-Son Vo Duy Tan University
Ning Cao Hohai University
Ning Wu Anhui Sanlian University
Ning Zhang University of Windsor
Nur Indah Lestari
Olasupo Ajayi University of the Western Cape
Olivier Romain Cergy Paris Université
Osamah Khalaf Al-Nahrain University
P.G.V. Suresh Kumar Ambo University
Parul Agarwal Jamia Hamdard
Peng Li Dalin Polytechnic University
Peng Li Qingdao Yilian Information Technology Co. LTD
Petra Zorić University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
Ping DUAN Chongqing Vocational Institute of Engineering
Pingping chen Hunan University of technology and business
Qi Ren Xidian University
Qi-feng WU Guangxi science & technology Normal University
Qian Jiang Chongqing Vocational College of Transportation
Qiang HUANG Huali College Guangdong University of Technology
Qiang LI Xi’an Eurasia University
Qiang Zhou ShanDong University of Technology
Qianmu li Nanjing University of Science and Technology
Qing-huan QIN Guangxi Modern Polytechnic College
Qing-li NIU Zhengzhou University of Science &Technology
Qing-mei CAO Vocational and Technical College of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University
Qipeng He Guangchuang service center of Guizhou Zhifu Optical Valley Investment Management Co.
Quan-wei SHENG Changsha Medical University
Quan-wen CHEN Shenyang Institute of Technology
R LI Hohai University
Rajkumar Buyya University of Melbourne
Rene Sanjuan-Galindo Tecnológico Nacional de México/I.T Nuevo León
Renkang Geng University of Jinan
Rong HU School of Intelligent Technology ,Geely University of China
Rou-jia JI Hubei University of Technology
Ru YAN Inner Mongolia Vocational College of Chemical Engineering
Rui Yang Zhengzhou University of Science and Technology
Ruisong Wang Harbin Institute of Technology
Runda Li Nanjing Foreign Language School
Sarvesh Pandey
Seifu Tilahun Bahir Dar Insitute of Technology
Shan Jiang Shenyang Institute of Technology
Shan-ke HUANG Digital Grid Research Institute, China Southern Power Grid.
Shang Gao Deakin University
Shanji Chen Qinghai Nationalities University
Shao-yong Cao Zhuhai College of Bejing Institute of Technology
Sheng-bin WU Changsha Medical University,College of Information Engineering
Shengchi Liu Department of Information Science and Engineering Dalian Polytechnic University Dalian
Shifeng Ou Yantai University
Shu-hua Wang Panjin vocational and technical College
Shu-tao SHEN Tibet University School of information science and technology
Shu-yang ZHANG SIAS University
Shuang Wu Xi’an International University
Shuangyue Xiao Department of Information Science and Engineering Dalian Polytechnic University Dalian
Shujun Li University of Kent
Shunmei Meng Nanjing University of Science and Technology
Shunming Lyu School of Information Technology & Electrical Engineering, University of Queensland
Sikandar Ali China University of Petroleum, Beijing
Solomon Atnafu Addis Ababa University
Son Tran Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
Song ZHANG College of New Energy,China University of Petroleum
Stella Hrehova Technical University in Kosice with seat in Presov
T K Ramesh Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham
Takuya Maekawa Osaka University
Tang Yu University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Tao Tao Physical and Electronic Engineering School South China Normal University
Temesgen Wondimu Ethiopia Science and Technology University
Thai Hoang Le Vietnam National University
Thanh Do Van Nguyen Tat Thanh University
Thi Thu Trang Nguyen Hanoi University of Science and Technology
Thiago Dias Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais (CEFET)
Tianheng Xu Chinese Academy of Sciences
Tiankui Zhang Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Tie LI State Grid Liaoning Electric Power Supply Co.,LTD
Tomas Karpati Holon Institute of Technology
Tong SUN Shenyang Institute of Science and Technology
Tran Hoang Duy Tan University
Tran Ngoc Dan University of Labor – Society
Tristan Caulfield University College London
Vaskar Raychoudhury Miami University
Viet-Dung Do Dongan Polytechnic
Vu Tuan Anh IUH, Vietnam
Wanfeng ma School of Electrical Engineering, University of Jinan
Wang DongXiao Shenzhen Futian District Foreign Language School
Wanmei Feng South China University of Technology
Wanqing Zhang Hunan University of Technology and Business/Institute of Big Data and Internet Innovation
Wei HE Xinyu University
Wei TANG Huali College Guangdong University of Technology
Wei Yang University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Wei-na HE Pingdingshan University School of software
Wei-ping CAO West Normal University physical culture institute
Weijian Wang Harbin Engineering University
Weilong Ding North China University of Technology
Wen-da XIE Guangdong Polytechnic of Science and Technology
Wen-hua DENG Wuhan Railway Vocational College of Technology
Wenjing Kang Harbin Institute of Technology
Wenmei Li Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Wenzheng Bao Xuzhou University of Technology
William Taylor University of Glasgow
Wu-lin LIU Information and Communcition College National University of Defense Technology
Xi CHEN SIAS University
Xi-liu ZHOU College of Mathematics and Computer,Xinyu University
Xian-bin XIE School of Economics and Management, Hunan software vocational college
Xianxian Li College of Computer Science and Information Technology, Guangxi Normal University
Xiao-jing QI Chongqing telecommunication Vocational College
Xiao-xiao DUAN International School,Chongqing Vocational Institute of Engineering
Xiao-zheng WAN Qilu University of Technology
Xiaolin Jiang Jinhua Advanced Research institute
Xiaowei Ji Harbin Institute of Technology
Xin TANG Zhengzhou vocational and technical college
Xin Xin Changchun University
Xin-hui ZHONG China Southern Power Grid Digital Power Grid Research Institute
Xin-ye LIU China Agriculture University,College Of Economics And Management
Xin-yu Lv School of Mathematics and Statistics, Wuhan University
Xing-kui YAN Qilu University of Technology
Xiu-juan DUAN Changchun University Of Technology
XiuLian Lin Huizhou Engineering Vocational College
Xiuyin Zhang South China University of Technology
Xiyuan Chen Southeast University
Xuan Li Shenyang Aerospace University
Xuan-Kien Dang Ho Chi Minh City University of Transport
Xuan-qun LI Qilu University of Technology
Xue Wei Harbin Engineering University
Xuechao Yang RMIT Univerity
Xueluan Gong Wuhan University
Xuemai Gu Harbin Institute of Technology
Xuesen Zong Qingdao University of Technological
Ya-fei Wang Information engineering college, Pingdingshan University
Ya-ping LI Beijing Polytechnic
Yalemzewd Negash Addis Ababa Institute of Technology
Yan LIU Dalian University of Science and Technology
Yan Song Wuhan University of Technology
Yan YU Wuhan Qingchuan University
Yan ZHAO Ningbo city college of vocational technology
Yan-ming ZHAN Jiangxi Normal University
Yana TANG South China Institute of Software Engineering GU
Yangjie Cao School of Software, Zhengzhou University
Yanpin Wang Dalian Polytechnic University
Yantao Li Chongqing University
Yao Zhi South China Normal University
Yar Muhammad Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan
Yassine Meraihi Maître de Conférence A Université de Boumerdès
Yatong AN Chuxiong Normal University
Ye Xiu Wen Yulin Normal University
Yi HUANG Nanchang Business School of Jiangxi Agricultural University
Yi Jiang Fujian Chuanzheng Communications College
Yi Zhou Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Yi-de LIAO Huali College Guangdong University of Technology
Yi-huo Jiang City College of Dongguan University of Technology
Yi-huo Jiang Fuzhou University of International Studies and Trade
Yi-jia SHANG Zhengzhou Technical College
Yi-lin FENG Guangzhou University
Yi-pin YAN Chongqing College Of Architecture And Technology
Yidong Xu Harbin Engineering University, China
Yikun Zou Harbin Institute of Technology
Yilong Hui Xidian University
Yin Liu Virginia Tech
Ying Bao The First Affiliated Hospital Of Soochow University
Ying CHEN Xinyu University
Ying Gao Yantai University
Ying huang Yulin Normal University
Ying Li College of Science, Engineering, agriculture and medicine, Gansu Radio & Television University
Ying YANG School of Computer, Guangdong AIB Polytechnic College
Ying Zhao Nanchang Institute of Science and Technology
Ying-di XI Xinyu University
Yinru Ye Lanzhou University
Yipin Yan Faculty of management,Chongqing College Of Architecture And Technology
Yiwei Liu Beijing Institute of Technology
Yong-lan YAN Guangzhou College of Technology and Business
Yong-sheng ZONG Yanshan University; Qinhuangdao Vocational and Technical College
Yongxia Sun Hunan University of Technology and Business
You-xin LI QingHai Higher Vocational & Technical Institute
Youssef Souissi Secure-IC
Youyang Qu CSIRO; Deakin University
Yu LIU School of road bridge and architecture,Chongqing Vocational College of Transportation
Yu yuang Chongqing University
Yu Zhou State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co., Ltd. Marketing Service Center
Yu-feng MEN Dalian University of Science and Technology
Yu-hui WEI Beijing Polytechnic
Yu-juan Zhang Xinyu University
Yu-xiang LIU College of Tourism and Urban-Rural planning,Xichang University
Yu-xuan CHEN Fuyang Normal University
Yu’e Li HeilongJiang University of Science
Yuan An Xuzhou University of Technology
Yuanyuan Guan College of Finance and Economics, Chongqing Chemical lndustry Vocational College
Yubin Wang Nanchang Business School of Jiangxi Agricultural University
Yue Liu Hohai University
Yue Zhao Science and Technology on Communication Security Laboratory, China
Yulin Chen South China Normal University
Yuminah Yuminah Jiangxi Normal University
Yun Lin Harbin Engineering University
Yutaro Mishima KDDI Research, Inc.
Yutong Niu Harbin University of Science and Technology
Yuxia PAN School of Information & Intelligence Engineering University of Sanya
Zeng Bao Hohai University
Zhang Tao Shenzhen Futian Shangbu Middle School
Zhang Xiao Harbin Engineering University
Zhao Wang Medical School of Chinese PLA
Zhao-xi CHEN Nanchang JiaoTong Institute
Zhen Chen South China University of Technology
Zhen Wang University Of Jinan Quancheng College
Zhen-bin HUANG Sanda University, Art design and Media college
Zhendong Yin Harbin Institute of Technology
Zheng HU Hankou University
Zhengbo Zhang Chinese PLA General Hospital
Zhenju Zhang Xidian University
Zhenkui Shi Guangxi Normal University
Zhenyu Na Dalian Maritime University
Zhi-heng SONG Tianjin Agricultural University
Zhi-li SHA Xichang University
ZhiCheng Wang HeilongJiang University of Science and Technology
Zhidu Li Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Zhihao Wang University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Zhiliang Qin Beiyang Electric Group Co. Ltd.
Zhilu Wu Harbin Institude of Technology
Zhong LI College of mechanical and electrical engineering, Beijing Polytechnic
Zhong-xing HUANG Guangzhou Metro Design & Reserch Institute Co
Zhou Cong Harbin Institute of Technology
Zhu Bin Shenzhen Futian District Foreign Language School
Zhuoran Cai Shandong Institute of Space Electronic Technology
Zijian Zhang Beijing Institute of Technology
Zijin Xiao Gansu Radio & Television University
Zongren Chen Guangdong Polytechnic of Science and Technology
Zongwei Wang Chongqing University

The post Announcing EAI Distinguished Members Class of 2022 appeared first on EAI - European Alliance for Innovation.
