Find all relevant info for you as a attendee.
General Info
- Participation in all technical sessions of the conference program
- All meals during the course of the conference
- A ticket to the official conference gala/banquet dinner
- Conference accessories
- Conference Soft Proceedings
- Participation in all technical sessions of the Workshop program
- All meals during the course of the conference
- Conference accessories
- Conference Soft Proceedings
- Participation in all technical sessions of the conference program
- All meals during the course of the conference
- Option to purchase a ticket to the official conference gala/banquet dinner
- Conference accessories
- Conference Soft Proceedings
Early buyer
Before August 30th
16th EAI International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools
Poster Track Registration EAI Valuetools 2023
Late buyer
After August 30th
16th EAI International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools
Poster Track Registration EAI Valuetools 2023
All fees will be collected in EUR.
Important notes:
- Refunds and invoice amendments are subject to a processing fee.
- Student registration does not allow for camera-ready paper upload.