Registration (Harmony Hall)
Opening ceremony & Welcome speech (Harmony Hall)
Keynote speech – Improving the Lives of the Poorest of the Poor (Harmony Hall)
Coffee Break (Foyer)
Keynote speech – AI, Chat GPT and the Future of Healthcare (Harmony Hall)
Economy Panel (Harmony Hall)
Lunch (Foyer + Carlton Hall)
Smart Cities Panel (Harmony Hall)
Coffee Break (Foyer)
Technical Sessions
Mobility, IoT and Smart Cities (Symphony + Rhapsody Suite)
Wearables in Healthcare (Melody Suite)
IoT Technologies for HealthCare (Melody Suite)
Gala Dinner (Historic building of the National Council of the Slovak Republic, Župné námestie 591, 811 03 Bratislava)
Keynote speech
Artificial Intelligence and Society: The Beautiful Promise and the Dystopian Threat (Harmony Hall)
Keynote speech
8-year Evaluation of GameBus: Status quo in Aiming for an Open Access Platform to Prototype and Test Digital Health Apps (Harmony Hall)
Coffee Break (Foyer)
Security Panel – Security in smart cities (Foyer)
Lunch (Foyer + Carlton Hall)
ABBVIE Health Panel – Opportunities and challenges in innovative therapy of chronic diseases (Harmony Hall)
Coffee Break (Foyer)
Technical sessions:
Future Access Enablers of Ubiquitous and Intelligent Infrastructures (Symphony + Rhapsody Suite)
Management of Manufacturing Systems (Symphony + Rhapsody Suite)
Safety and Security in Internet of Things (Melody Suite)
Artificial Intelligence for CyberSecurity – EAI AICSEC 2023, (Melody Suite)
Meet & Mingle, Best paper awards (Carlton Hall)