Iot360 app is now available for download
The iot-360 app is now available for download. Check out who is coming,
The iot-360 app is now available for download. Check out who is coming,
Aron Keith Barby, Director of the Decision Neuroscience Laboratory at the Beckman Institute
Some of the major experts in the pervasive technology field have recently met
There is a whole range of issues that need to be addressed while
Innover-East project partners, including EAI and Create-Net, are organizing the 1st Training on Innovation
CHINACOM 2015, the Tenth EAI International Conference on Communications and Networking in China,
Couple of months more till the seventh edition of the International Conference on
In cognitive radio networks, unlicensed secondary users are expected to sense RF spectrum
FABULOUS 2015, the First EAI International Conference on Future Access Enablers of Ubiquitous
Shmuel Ur received his Ph.D. in Algorithms Optimization and Combinatorics in 1994 in