Category: News

Newly discovered optimal arch could make bridges indestructible

We have been inspired by nature for centuries in a thousand different ways, but one area that benefits from looking at nature more than most others is engineering and structural design. Form-finding – a more structured approach to bio-inspired construction – is now breeding the new generation of indestructible bridges.

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Exploring networks efficiently

Ants, it turns out, are extremely good at estimating the concentration of other ants in their vicinity. This ability appears to play a role in several communal activities, particularly in the voting procedure whereby an ant colony selects a new nest.

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Information gathered by your wearables is more sensitive than you think

The segment of wearable technology is booming, but if you’re actively using a smart watch, you are producing more data than you are probably aware of. Data that hackers find very attractive. When we say that wearables are booming, it is not an overstatement. It is reportedly already producing an estimated $14 billion in sales worldwide – and is expected to to more than double within the next four years.

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Artificial intelligence is uncovering Alzheimer's disease in the early stages

Alzheimer’s disease is really tough to diagnose. More specifically, it is tough to diagnose at an early stage, when something can still be done to slow it down. Currently, MRI is employed to detect early forms of dementia, such as mild cognitive impairment (MCI), but we have been unable to effectively distinguish them from Alzheimer’s disease until after brain tissue has suffered irreversible damage.

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