Dr. Sigg, MobiCASE 2015: ‘Join us in Berlin, collaborate and have fun!’

An expert on the design, analysis and optimisation of algorithms for distributed and ubiquitous systems, Dr. Stephan Sigg, currently working at the Computer Networks Group of Georg-August-University in Goettingen,  is also interested in problems related to context prediction, collaborative transmission in wireless sensor networks, context-based secure key generation, device-free passive activity recognition, and computation of functions in wireless networks at the time of transmission. He is optimistic about the future privacy in the age of pervasive computing, and positive that MobiCASE 2015, of which he is the General Chair, will be an excellent event in the perfect place. Read our recent interview to find out why.

What are your expectations of the next edition of MobiCASE?

Focusing on Mobile Computing, Applications and Services, MobiCASE 2015 will take place in Berlin, Germany, from November 12th to November 13th 2015. The two-day format is very nice for focused, constructive discussions and collaboration, and Berlin with its two strong universities, a multitude of renowned research institutes, internationally-operating companies, fresh startup culture, as well as its open and interdisciplinary attitude, is the perfect place for this event. We are happy that so many outstanding scientists and industry leaders have agreed to join the Technical Program Committee to help us establish a high quality programme. I am looking forward to exciting novel developments in Mobile Computing, Applications and Services, long constructive discussions with research and industry leaders, and new cooperations. Join us in Berlin for scientific discussions, collaborate and have fun!

Dr. Stephan Sigg, General Chair of MOBICASE 2015
Dr. Stephan Sigg, General Chair of MOBICASE 2015

What would you say are the most exciting research topics and questions  within the field of mobile computing, applications and services right now?

For me, context-based and usable security hold great potential for the next years. Related to this is the exploitation of the tremendous amount of data which is available via all kinds of environmental-, smartphone- and on-body-sensors. There is a great potential in this data, especially regarding indirect reasoning of non-directly observable information.

In your opinion, how will privacy fare in the age of pervasive computing?

I believe that we will see a society which is very much aware of the value of their personal information. People will consciously decide which information to share, and ponder what they give and what they get for it in return. It will become more difficult for companies to collect personal data, as people will ask what monetary benefits they can expect in return. For instance, there is a StartUp called TwoSense, which aims to act as a mediator between the people who own and sell their personal data, and companies who buy it. I am convinced that we will see a lot more exciting developments in this direction, and I am very positive  that privacy will be much better guarded than it has been in the past.

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