TridentCom 2015: highlights from the 10th edition

The 10th International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks & Communities (TridentCom 2015), which took place on June 24-25 in Vancouver, Canada has successfully come to the end!

TridentCom 2015 has been chaired by relevant experts on the field such as Prof. David G. Michelson – University of British Columbia (General Co-Chair); Prof. Alberto Leon Garcia –  University of Toronto (General Co-Chair); Prof. Wei-Bin Zhang – University of California-Berkeley (General Co-Chair); Prof. Justin Cappos – New York University (TPC Co-Chair); Prof. Mohamed El Darieby – University of Regina (TPC Co-Chair) and Michael Hrybyk – President & CEO, BCNET (Network Infrastructure Chair).

The conference focused on experimentation through a variety of topics of interest including testing, verification, deployment, integration, management and federation of testbed facilities and  experimental research based on testbed implementation of novel schemes on research testbeds. Specifically, TridentCom 2015 focused on research testbeds for cyber physical systems & applications, research testbeds for ICT infrastructure and research testbed methodologies, techniques and tools.

TridentCom 2015 Tutorial: Building Experiments using the GENI and SAVI Testbeds
TridentCom 2015 Tutorial: Building Experiments using the GENI and SAVI Testbeds

During the 8 sessions participants had the possibility to discuss testbeds and research infrastructures for advanced networking, cloud computing, cyber physical systems and connected vehicles. TridentCom 2015 also hosted the tutorial ‘Building Experiments using the GENI and SAVI Testbeds’, which gave the attendees the possibility to: learn how to allocate GENI and SAVI Virtual machines; learn to use the GENI and SAVI toolset, and learn how to use off­the­shelf configuration and orchestration tools (in this case, Ansible) to configure, load, and orchestrate the nodes; use Ansible to find configuration and environment information for each node; create and run an Ansible playbook to install the software on each node and create an Ansible playbook to download a parameterized URL from each node.

Summing up, the 10th edition of TridentCom has been a must event for those interested in or responsible for the design, operation or application of network testbeds and research infrastructure and many expert and relevant academicians joined the conference to share their high-level knowledge on the field.

Stay tuned for TridentCom 2016!


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