How can you participate in EAI/Springer book series? Here are the key webinar takeaways

In the recent webinar with Mary E. James (Springer senior book editor), we wanted to encourage new authors to publish with EAI/Springer Innovations in Communications and Computing Book Series. If you are one of them but have not attended it, in this article we summarize the main takeaways that could help you to better understand the author’s journey.

The EAI/Springer Innovations in Communications and Computing (EAISICC) book series is a collaboration between EAI and Springer focusing primarily on communications and computing engineering.

In a very short time, the EAISICC book series crossed the mark of 50 books published and in-process, obtaining SCOPUS indexing in just two years, while Ei Compendex and ISI Web of Science and other indexes expected soon. The series serves as a great way to disseminate the results of your research to a much wider audience and to gain recognition for your work. EAISICC Editors receive recognition by EAI Community and receive special invitations to engage with EAI activities.

Contribute and team up with others

Good research leads to content creation, and with EAI/Springer you have several options to share it. Create presentations,  tutorials, white papers, theses, conference papers, or even workshops.

Your —content can be expanded as the book content is broader and deeper. There are more —ways to work towards publishing: Review proposals and manuscripts, contribute a chapter, and team up with others. If you are a new author, brush up on your skills with free tutorials on scientific writing, peer review, open access, and more at Author Academy.

Choose the topic, type, and format of your book

You can publish your research in quality print and digital format. All books are formatted for comfortable use on many different devices such as Amazon Kindle, Google Android, and Apple iPhone or iPad to reach smooth functioning and to avoid any reading problems.

—As an author, you have two types of books available for publishing:

  • Edited book – a publication comprised of chapters written by various authors from editors’ networks (also providing an outlet for the best conference papers from a number of EAI‘s well-established technical conferences)
  • Authored book –a publication with a sequence connection between the chapters, written by one or more authors.

Volumes in the book series cover a range of topics that together contribute to the vision of a connected world.

EAI volumes under preparation include cognitive radio, wireless networks, body area networks, pervasive computing technologies, mobile computing, and ubiquitous systems, bio-inspired ICT, security and privacy in communication networks, e-infrastructure for developing countries, and others. Proposals on new topics that form the driving forces behind the internet of things, smart cities, e-health, and future internet are welcome.

All content is open-access, which increases visibility and readership of your research. This way, you can also benefit from a greater understanding of research outside the academic community, —and interdisciplinary collaboration.

Tip: Instead of writing, create a video. If you decide to create a video about your research instead of writing it, not only you can save a significant amount of time, it will have its unique DOI and ISBN and CrossRef-enabled references. This way, you also increase the reach of your work, as the video content is easy to digest.

Publish, and promote your research

—To publish your first book, follow simple steps that get you to final print. First, contact a publishing editor —and create a book proposal, then, create a quality manuscript.

Do not forget to promote your book, either on social media, your email, at conferences or in other channels. Be sure to include ISBN, title, and link when mentioning your book.

You can contact Mary E. James, or write a comment to this article if you have any questions about the publishing process. You can submit your book proposal here. Good luck with your work!

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