SGames 2015: a multidisciplinary approach to Serious Games!

SGames 2015 is almost here! The 5th International Conference on Serious Games, Interaction and Simulation will take place in Novedrate, Italy on September 16-17, 2015.

This International Conference is a multidisciplinary approach to the presentation of research, theory, application, practice and validation in the field of Serious Games for any level and any area. As such, it will cover areas like cognition, psychology, technology-enhanced education, evaluation and assessment, multimedia and information technology.

SGames 2015 will host keynote speakers such as: Lucia Pannese (CEO Imaginary srl, Milano, Italy), with the talk ‘Games Keep you Forever Young in Mind and Body’ and Prof. Janet C. Read (professor in Child Computer Interaction, School of Computing, Engineering and Physical Sciences, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK), with the talk ‘How Fun can a Serious Game be?’.

Furthermore, the Conference will host the Interactive Workshop “21st Century Games for Health”, which represents a space where practitioners meet multidisciplinary research in games for health for discussing what is possible today and how to concretely use game base eHealth solutions with patients and within health structures and procedures.

Summing up, SGames 2015 is a must event for those interested in new scientific approaches and results from experiments and real-life applications.

Discover more about SGames 2015 here.

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