Bio-inspired ICT: BICT 2015

Are you ready to get involved in BICT 2015? The Ninth EAI International Conference on Bio-inspired Information and Communications Technologies is going to take place on December 3-5, in New York City.

Here we have some additional spot news.

First, the Committee has selected the following Best Papers:

  • ‘Fast Redistribution of a Swarm of Heterogeneous Robots’, presented by Amanda Prorok (University of Pennsylvania), M. Ani Hsieh (Drexel University), Vijay Kumar (University of Pennsylvania);
  • ‘Identity Deception and Game Deterrence via Signaling Games’, by William Casey (Carnegie Mellon University), Parisa Memarmoshrefi (University of Goettingen), Ansgar Kellner (University of Goettingen), Jose Andre Morales (Carnegie Mellon University), Bud Mishra (New York University);
  • Best Student Papers: ‘Biologically-inspired adaptive routing protocol with stochastic route exploration’, by Tomohiro Nakao (Osaka University), Jun-nosuke Teramae (Osaka University), Naoki Wakamiya (Osaka University).

Furthermore, from 6 pm to 8 pm on the First Day, the Movie Night will take place with the screening of the documentary film The Creeping Garden, preceded by Hans-Günther Döbereiner’s opening remarks, and followed by a QA session. Heather Barnett, artist and educator featured in the movie, and the Keynote Speaker Toshiyuki Nakagaki will be also there.

On the same day, accepted Posters presentations will be displayed from 4.15 pm to 6.00 pm.

…and this was just a preview of the First Day.

Jun Suzuki, from the University of Massachusetts, Tadashi Nakano, from the Osaka University, and Henry Hess, from the Columbia University, will chair the event whose focus will target two thrusts:

  1. Indirect Bioinspiration: ICT designed after biological principles, processes and mechanisms;
  2. Direct Bioinspiration: ICT utilizing biological materials and systems.

BICT 2015 will also feature the state-of-the-art keynote speeches, various special tracks and the four workshops below:

  • The Second International Workshop on Brain-Inspired Information Communication Technologies – BIICT
  • The International Workshop on Bioinformatics – Bioinformatics
  • The First International Workshop on Computational Models of the Visual Cortex: Hierarchies, Layers, Sparsity, Saliency and Attention – CMVC
  • The First International Workshop on Physarum Transport Networks – PhysNet

The Davis Auditorium at the Schapiro Center for Engineering and Physical Science Research (Schapiro CEPSR) of the Columbia University will be the venue of this ninth edition of the conference.

Eager to know more? Check the Welcome Message online for the latest highlights!

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