MONAMI 2015: the latest Innovative Mobile Network Solutions!

Two months left until MONAMI 2015! The 7th International Conference on Mobile Networks and Management will take place in Santander, Spain on September 16–18, 2015.

What is the main focus of the conference? The Conference aims at bringing together top researchers, academics and practitioners specializing in the area of Mobile Network Management, Service Management, Virtualization and Object Management.

Why to attend the conference? MONAMI 2015 offers the opportunity to leading researchers, industry professionals and academics around the world to meet and discuss the latest advances in these areas and present results related to technologies for true plug-and-play networking, efficient use of all infrastructure investments, and access competition. The aim of the forum is to disseminate the latest innovative mobile network solutions for increased competition and cooperation in an environment with a multitude of access technologies, network operators and business actors.

Keynote speakers of the Conference will be Josep Mangues-Bafalluy (CTTC) with the talk “Programmable mobile networks: Why? What? How?” and Milos Tesanovic (Samsung) with the talk “5G network architecture challenges – towards distributed, flat, heterogeneous systems of the future”.

Furthermore, the Conference will also host a special session on SDN/NFV for 5G Networks organized by Marco Hoffmann (Nokia) and Wolfgang Kellerer (TU München)!

Are you into Mobile Networks and Management? Don’t lose the great opportunity to discuss this issue with top international experts within the field!

Discover more about MONAMI 2015 here.

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