Weekly recap

Week after week EAI shares with you the most innovative advances in the ICT field, as technology is always progressing, and it touches every part of our lives.

In our interview, Dr. Radu Vieriu expressed his viewpoint about the latest challenges derived from the cognitive aspect of IoT and talked with us about the importance of an interdisciplinary approach in this field.

Swarm robotics have been the focal point of the paper we presented this week. This study won the Best Paper Award at the last year’s edition of the International Conference on Nature of Computation and Communication (ICTCC 2014) and aimed to capture self-adaptive behavior so that it could be properly designed and subsequently implemented.

The section ‘Serious Games’ presented a new captivating insight written by António Fernando Coelho about Procedural Content Generation in Serious Games and the challenges, but also the enormous potential it creates.

As usual, we keep you informed about our events. The International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth 2015), which took place on May 20-23, 2015 in Istanbul, Turkey has successfully come to the end: we presented you some highlights from this 9th edition.

Moreover, we also keep an eye on the upcoming venues, such as the Third Conference on Auctions, Market Mechanisms and Their Applications (AMMA 2015), which is to take place in Chicago, USA on August 8-9, 2015.

Finally, make sure to read the fourth issue of the EAI Endorsed Transaction on Ubiquitous Environments!

Keep following us to stay informed on the latest in the ICT field!

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