Dynamic Serious Games Balancing
Dynamic Game Balancing (DGB) is the process of real-time adjustment of game parameters
Dynamic Game Balancing (DGB) is the process of real-time adjustment of game parameters
Dynamic spectrum sharing is regarded as an emerging technique for next generation wireless
In the previous part we mainly dealt with visibility models and static saliency
Smart grid system assists in transforming the traditional energy industry in terms of
With the massification of smartphones and improvements in the location-awareness of these devices,
IoT industry veteran, Benny Mandler, (IBM and COMPOSE), shares his predictions for the
STEM is an acronym used to represent the educational areas of Science, Technology,
In cognitive radio networks, unlicensed secondary users are expected to sense RF spectrum
There are a lot of ways to measure attention. Some, mainly in psychology,
Serious games for health are games that have a “serious” purpose pertaining to