A platform that makes it easier to personalize applications

Both personalization of applications and ubiquitous computing are on the rise. A team of researchers from the Nova University of Lisbon (Universidade Nova de Lisboa) have proposed a platform that combines the two. They aim to help developers simplify and accelerate the personalisation of a wide range of applications.

Their solution is a cloud-based Personalization Platform for Multimodal Ubiquitous Computing Applications, P²MUCA. It provides tools and services that help developers apply their personalization following a generalized personalization model. The latter makes it possible to apply personalisation to different applications from different domains in the same way.

Moreover, it contains a context-aware clustering model that compiles user profiles based on user and context data. Thanks to this model, the interactions of a user with an application might help another one start adapting itself to them automatically.

Rui Neves Madeira, Pedro Albuquerque Santos and Nuno Correia presented their research at MobiQuitous 2014, the 11th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services that took place in London a few months ago. Though they acknowledge that more work is required in order to enhance the model in the future, their research seems promising.

The paper can be read in full on this page.

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