An interesting problem of CSS with heterogeneous nodes having different capabilities

Shree Krishna Sharma, Symeon Chatzinotas, and Björn Ottersten from the University of Luxembourg have won the Best Paper Award at the 10th edition of the International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks (CROWNCOM 2015), which took place April 21-23, 2015 in Doha, Qatar.

CROWNCOM 2015 was a great forum of discussion and networking for top researchers in the field and a valuable opportunity to enlarge the research network. For this reason, it was the right frame to submit the awarder paper “Cooperative Spectrum Sensing for Heterogeneous Sensor Networks Using Multiple Decision Statistics”, thanks to the quality of the discussions around various topics of interest within the field.

In this work the researchers have considered an interesting problem of CSS with heterogeneous nodes having different capabilities. The group of researchers have proposed a new decision statistics-based centralized Cooperative Spectrum Sensing (CSS) technique using the joint Probability Distribution Function (PDF) of the multiple decision statistics, resulting from different processing capabilities at the sensor nodes and have compared its performance with several existing cooperative schemes. More specifically, they have considered that multiple decision statistics come from the different processing capabilities of the heterogeneous cooperating nodes and have analyzed and compared the detection performance of the suggested approach with the already existing cooperative approaches.

Another interesting added value of the research consists in the fact that the group of researchers have suggested a design guideline for the network operators to facilitate decision making while upgrading a sensor network.

What to expect from researchers’ future works? Their aim is to extend this work for the CSS with more than two decision statistics and to explore suitable cooperative techniques for the scenarios with cooperating nodes having several heterogeneous features.

The Best Paper will be published in Springer’s LNICST series and will appear in the SpringerLink, one of the largest digital libraries online that covers a variety of scientific disciplines, as well as in the ICST’s own EU Digital Library (EUDL). Moreover, it will be invited for publication in the EAI Endorsed Transactions on Cognitive Communications.

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