The second Best Paper Award at INISCom 2015

Energy crisis and global warming call for an industrial revolution in production and distribution of renewable energy. From this starting point seven researchers from the Guangdong University of Technology (China), the Simula Research Laboratory (Norway), the University of Oslo (Norway) and the Halmstad University (Sweden), elaborated a study on V2G Networks in the Industrial Smart Grid. The research has been presented at the First edition of the International Conference on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems (INISCom 2015), which took place in Tokyo, Japan on March 2–4, 2015 and won the second of the two Best Paper Awards.

In this paper, Rong Yu, Jiefei Ding, Weifeng Zhong, Yan Zhang, Stein Gjessing, Alexey Vinel and Magnus Jonsson present a new vehicle-to-grid (V2G) network for energy transfer, in which distributed renewable energy helps the power grid balance demand and supply. They formulated and analyzed the V2G network within the theoretical framework of complex network and also employed the generalized synchronization method to study the dynamic behavior of V2G networks. Furthermore, they developed a new pricebased energy control method to stimulate the PHEV’s behavior of charging and discharging. Simulation results indicate that the V2G network can achieve synchronization and each region is able to balance energy supply and demand through price-based control.

A smarter power grid is urgently needed to deal with the predominating situation when there is a shortage of electricity. In the new smart grid, distributed generation of electricity and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) will be well developed. Renewable electricity generation technology is not sufficiently mature yet since power resources are unevenly distributed, power generation is subjected to disturbance, and the capacity is unstable” assert the researchers, who accept the several challenges the exploitation of renewable energy in the smart grid poses.

The paper develops a paradigm of V2G network in the smart grid for two purposes: “the first is to view the PHEVs as the carriers of renewable energy in the smart grid, the second is to conduct the price-based synchronization control in order to achieve energy demand-supply balance among different regions”.

To sum up, the researchers propose to utilize price-based energy control to dispatch energy among regions. In particular, they take advantage of the PHEV mobility to equivalently transport the renewable energy among regions with different demands.

Read the whole research here.

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