The third issue of EAI Transactions on Creative Technologies is out now!

Given the accelerated changes and deeply interconnected activities of the times we are living in, creativity is a key factor of disruptive future developments. The EAI Transactions on Creative Technologies provides a venue for publishing the latest research and developments about creative and entertainment industries, which nowadays represent more than 3% of the GDP in Europe and they range from creative content providers (TV & radio, fashion, music). Creative services, contents and experiences present knowledge requirements that are defined increasingly beyond a single discipline and appear to lie in a sound engagement among the creative practitioner (artist/designer/composer/entertainer), the engineer and the scientist. Digital arts, creative industries, and (tele)communication + (social) signal processing speak the language of convergence rather than autonomy. Their interaction calls for special attention now more than ever.

The third issue of the journal is now available and it proposes contributions such as: ‘Social retrieval of music content in multi-user performance’ and ‘Characterization of gestural units in light of human-avatar interaction’.

The journal welcomes contributions that deal within its scopes. Make sure to submit your research.

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