Prof. Bhavani Thuraisingham: EAI Distinguished Lecture on Integrating Cyber Security with Applications in the Internet of Transportation Systems

Prof. Thuraisingham talked about Integrating Cyber Security and Data Science/Artificial Intelligence with Applications in the Internet of Transportation Systems, as a part of EAI Distinguished Lectures program.

The collection, storage, manipulation, analysis and retention of massive amounts of data have resulted in new technologies including big data analytics and data science. It is now possible to analyze massive amounts of data and extract useful nuggets. However, the collection and manipulation of this data has also resulted in serious security and privacy considerations. Learn more in the video below.

Various regulations are being proposed to handle big data so that the privacy of the individuals is not violated. Furthermore, the massive amounts of data being stored may also be vulnerable to cyber attacks. Furthermore, Artificial Intelligence Techniques including machine learning are being applied to analyze the massive amounts of data in every field such as healthcare, finance, retail and manufacturing.

Machine learning techniques

Artificial Intelligence techniques are being integrated to solve many of the security and privacy challenges. For example, machine learning techniques are being applied to solve security problems such as malware analysis and insider threat detection. However, there is also a major concern that the machine learning techniques themselves could be attacked. Therefore, the machine learning techniques are being adapted to handle adversarial attacks. This area is known as adversarial machine learning. In addition, privacy of the individuals is also being violated through these machine learning techniques as it is now possible to gather and analyze vast amounts of data and therefore privacy enhanced data science techniques are being developed.

Bhavani Thuraisingham is the Founders Chair Professor of Computer Science and the Executive Director of the Cyber Security Research and Education Institute at the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD). Prof. Thuraisingham’s research interests are on integrating cyber security and artificial intelligence/data science.

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