Glasses-free 3D, hyperloop, and solar planes – weekly wrap-up

Quick rundown of things you may have missed last week:
Web-based software improves ADHD care and assessment of symptoms
Web-based technology significantly improves ADHD care and reduces behavioral symptoms in children.
Prototype display allows for glasses-free 3D from any seat in the theater
MIT’s Csail presents a prototype which allows for viewing glasses-free 3D on a large scale, from any seat in a theater.
Quantifying gang activity in an urban environment
As complicated as street crime is, there are ways of framing it within a rigid, quantifiable structure.  
What’s happening with the Loop?
Hyperloop is fast approaching and wer are kicking off our new weekly series to keep you up to date with all things hyper-fast. Get started with this quick intro.

Solar plane makes history after completing round-the-world flight
The world of renewable energy is in for a treat: solar plane tours the globe with no fossil fuel used. 

Blockchain and smart contract business models for distributed autonomous innovative organisations
The time has come to start taking Blockchain and smart contract business models seriously. 

Open source web browser allows browsing based on personal online data
It’s good to remain vigilant when your online information gets aggregated, but this open source web browser does appear to serve the users first.
Swirling data: Boosting computing power and info transfer rates tenfold
A new method that allows for 10 times faster data transfer could do a lot for a society with advancing demand for information sharing.

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