Dynamic Serious Games Balancing
Dynamic Game Balancing (DGB) is the process of real-time adjustment of game parameters
Dynamic Game Balancing (DGB) is the process of real-time adjustment of game parameters
Anthony Brooks is an Associate Professor at Aalborg University Esbjerg in Denmark, and
The aging of the European population, as well as the desire to improve the
In November, the Government of Andorra started a pilot in their schools with
Dynamic spectrum sharing is regarded as an emerging technique for next generation wireless
Frank Hopfgartner is a lecturer in Information Studies at University of Glasgow, and
Dear All, It’s Winter break here at the European Alliance for Innovation. We
Technological innovation is becoming the key to the development of our society, involving cities, communities,
The second edition of the IoT360° Summit took place in October 2015 in
Roch Glitho is an Associate Professor of Networking and Telecommunications at the Concordia