Author: Michal Dudic

7.8 tons of autonomous grain collecting action

Matt Reimer makes his money farming fields in Southwestern Manitoba, Canada. The main commodity in this part of the World is grain. Besides the person driving the combine harvester, there is a position which requires even more relentlessness. There is always a person who drives a tractor next to the harvester, collecting the…

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Self-assembling bio-inspired nanotubes discovered

We still have ways to go when it comes to reliable nanotechnology. It is already being used in modern computer parts and variety of consumer electronics, as well as water-resistant fabrics. However, consistent production of more sophisticated nanostructures is still proving extremely difficult…

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Another iPhone targeted by the FBI

Just two days after the FBI has confirmed that it got into the iPhone which belonged to the San Bernardino shooter, it offers the same service in a murder case in Arkansas. Cody Hiland, the attorney in the Arkansas case, requested help from the Federal Bureau of Investigation…

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How Microsoft's AI became a Nazi

First, let me introduce you in case you did not hear of her. Tay was Microsoft’s Artificial Intelligence project that was supposed to imitate 19 year-old girl online. She was up and running on Kik, Twitter and GroupMe. Like she said in one of her twitter posts, the more she talks with humans, the more she learns…

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Accessible infrared tech from MIT defies limitations

Infrared (IR) sensing – technology at the forefront of motion and heat detection has seen great success in the commercial market. A wide range of applications for home-entertainment, healthcare equipment, temperature sensing for air conditioning, all the way to autonomous personal vehicles…

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