Author: Michal Dudic

Swirling data: Boosting computing power and info transfer rates tenfold

“The bigger, the better”. Today’s world is obsessed with this idiom and as such, it can be seen all around us. Automobile manufacturers make bulkier cars, engineers constantly strive to build taller buildings. But when it comes to computers and computer chips in particular, the opposite is true. Society’s ever growing demand for information sharing is loosely linked with how big, or rather how small the computer chips are.

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Open source web browser allows browsing based on personal online data

What happens when you fuse a web browser together with a social media? You get RUMPEL. The first of its kind web browser promises to save us time with smarter browsing, allows us to be in control of our very own private “personal data palette” stored all across the internet, thus being beneficial to ourselves and not just the businesses willing to harvest it.

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Solar plane makes history after completing round-the-world flight

The world of renewable energy accomplished a monumental feat. Solar Impulse 2, a solar-powered aeroplane became the first manned plane of its kind that successfully completed round-the-world flight. The final stretch of its 23 days long journey in the air ended at the place where it all began, Abu Dhabi on Tuesday 26 July. A plane powered only by sun, requiring no fossil fuel, able to tour the globe may sound a bit like science fiction, but two Swiss pilots, Bertrand Piccard and André Borschberg done the imaginable.

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Web-based software improves ADHD care and assessment of symptoms

Even though ADHD doesn’t only affect children, they are the most vulnerable among us. Knowing the symptoms well and intercepting the disease at its early stages leads to a much joyful life. With the intention of allowing children to live up to par with their peers, more thorough research on the illness is often required.

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Prototype display allows for glasses-free 3D from any seat in a theater

“Please put on your 3D glasses” A phrase, buried deep inside our minds. This statement accompanies every 3D screening and essentially, prompts us to wear the glasses in order to not spend the next few hours in a blurry, visual mess. Imagine that all you ever needed to grab was a popcorn bucket and a large soda, no spectacles that don’t sit on the nose properly.

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Cross-species HIV infection is a real threat, study confirms

There is definitely more to the ancestry between primates and humans than simple evolution curve. We may share very similar body structure, behavioral traits or even resemblance, but a recent study led by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln presents evidence that chimpanzee-carried simian immunodeficiency viruses (SIVs), considered by the virologists to be ancestors of HIV, can infect human cells.

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Most detailed brain map to date could cure serious mental illnesses

Humans are extraordinary species. Since the dawn of our existence, we continue to explore the world, trying to understand every single motion, scent, color, behavior. Curiosity is the engine that drives us forward. We are the cartographers, fueled by eagerness, mapping everything that we encounter and giving reason as to why phenomenons happen the way they do. By understanding the world, we strive to understand ourselves.

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