Announcing EAI Senior Members Class of 2021

We are proud to announce the 2021 class of EAI Senior Members – 3472 individuals who achieved the top 1% in their EAI Index value among the entire EAI Community in the calendar year 2020, earning them an objective and transparent nomination for the extraordinary accomplishments in their technical areas as evaluated by members of the EAI Community around the world. 

Congratulations to the following EAI Members awarded the Senior Member title in 2021!
(In alphabetical order)



About EAI

EAI (European Alliance for Innovation) is a non-profit organization with free membership and the largest open professional society to advance your career through online community participation.

With hundreds of thousands of users from over 170 countries, EAI provides a leading global platform for research collaboration, fair evaluation and transparent recognition.

About the EAI Recognition Program

Thanks to novel community evaluation processes, EAI guarantees member recognition objectively, transparently and fairly, independent of location, economic condition or local funding.  Starting in 2019, contributing members and volunteers who participate in EAI conferences and journals are evaluated quantitatively via EAI Index on the basis of their technical qualifications, community service, and impact. Click here to learn more about EAI Index.

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