Smart City 360: opportunity to chair the conferences

EAI gives the opportunity to chair or be part of the Organizing Committee of various conferences during the Smart City 360 Summit.

The  SmartCity360 Summit is to take place in Bratislava, Slovakia and Toronto, Canada simultaneously  on October 13-16, 2015. This first edition of the Summit is going to address the challenges of future cities and citizens. During the three days of the Summit researchers, industry and government organizations will have the opportunity to share knowledge, experience, ideas and facilitate truly international collaboration through joint online sessions and panels.

The Summit will provide a platform for international scientific collaboration, presentation of scientific output, linking research and practice community-based and popularization of topics Smart Cities and mobility in Central Europe and North America.

Several co-located scientific conferences will take place both in Bratislava and in Toronto to provide a 360-degree perspective and give a space to selected scientific researches. Each conference will have a separate organizational and scientific team that ensures the participation of relevant researchers from each field and also mediates the operational component in conjunction with the website, by disseminating, collecting, evaluating and publishing scientific outputs.

EAI gives an opportunity to the scientific community to take part in this event and currently offers the following positions:

•       Various roles within the organizing committee of the International Conference on Energy Supply and Harvesting in Mobility and Smart Cities, Bratislava
•       Various roles within the organizing committee of the International Conference on Smart Planning Beyond Urbanization, Bratislava
•       General Chair role or TPC Chair for the International Conference on E-mobility, Self-driving Cars and Automation, Bratislava
•     General Chair role or TPC Chair for the International Conference on City, Data Analytics and Visualization in Civic Technology, Bratislava

We will welcome application with a CV attached by April 5th, 2015 at

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