D2D communication benefits from being Quality-of-Experience-aware

This week’s Best paper is Liang Zhou’s work titled QoE-Aware Device-to-Device Multimedia Communications, which was first presented at MOBIMEDIA 2015 in Chengdu, China. Quality of experience (QoE) is a measure of customer satisfaction with a service, usually on a scale of 1 (unacceptable) to 4.5 (excellent). Meanwhile, device-to-device (D2D) multimedia communication is a way of information transfer that uses wireless interface without a connection to a base station (operator). With recent developments around smartphones, tablets and wearables, this creates a platform capable of high data rate transmission.

A major complication of QoE monitoring is the subjectivity of user preference. Different users on different devices have different needs from different applications. Also, the models of D2D communication were so far done using constant transmission range and mobility velocity of the device. The model presented in this paper utilizes a dynamic setting of these parameters in order to be more practical. The numerical results depicting performance of the presented QoE-aware multimedia communication scheme (QAMCS) are compared to Direct dissemination algorithm (DDA) and to Coordinated dissemination algorithm (CDA). CDA will serves as a control, providing the information about optimal solution as this model is using a base station, which is not present in DDA or in QAMCS.MObi

Based on the results QAMCS proved itself to be a functional system for data dissemination on device to device network. D2D networks will play a significant role in the fifth generation of mobile networks and hence it is necessary to update the current dissemination schemes for ones with higher transmission rates and user satisfaction.

If you want the details, you can download the full paper for free on EUDL.
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