Insights into the world of 5G

A unique event that brought together several research initiatives on 5G technologies, the 1st International Conference on 5G for Ubiquitous Connectivity, took place in Levi, Finland on November 26-27, 2014. EAI had the chance to interview both leading industry and academia experts of the field.

General Chair of the Conference Prof. Matti Latva-aho (University of Oulu) talked about the radical changes expected in the whole field of wireless communications. These changes should be accompanied by the straight collaboration between research and industry. Prof. Latva-aho then elaborates on the most significant benefits which 5G is going to bring into our lives.

From the industry’s perspective, Johan Torsner, Research Manager at Ericsson, explicated the natural essence of research-industry collaboration in the field of 5G. With regard to the impact of 5G technologies on our lives, Johan Torsner highlighted that the impact may be much bigger than we can imagine.

Kari J. Leppanen, 5G Director at Huawei, specified the changes we shall expect from 5G and direct visible results of 5G development usable in our everyday lives: from higher speed of telecommunications to self-driving cars.

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