Understanding and designing modern network systems

Game theory has become a useful tool for modeling and studying various networks, but with the rapid growth of data traffic, from any kind of devices and networks, game theory is requiring more intelligent transformation.It is precisely the goal of GameNets 2016, the 6th EAI International Conference on Game Theory for Networks, to gather research contributions, from game theory and networks, that address the major opportunities and challenges in applying traditional game theory as well as intelligent game theory to the understanding and designing of modern network systems, with emphasis on both new analytical techniques and novel application scenarios.

The conference will take place in Kelowna, Canada on 11-12 May, 2016 and venue of the Conference will be the UBC – Okanagan Campus.

GameNets 2016 will host a speech by Prof. Vikram Krishnamurthy (The University of British Columbia, B.C. – Canada), active in Statistical Signal Processing, Stochastic Control, Game Theory and Dynamics of Random Graphs.

If you are curious to discover all the hot topics that will be discussed at GameNets 2016, check the accepted papers and also the Program of the Conference!

There is also a good news for authors! Best Papers at GameNets 2016 will be invited to submit an extended version of their work through the EAI Endorsed Transactions on Serious Games and ACM/Springer Mobile Networks & Applications (MONET) Special Issue on “Game Theory for 5G Wireless Networks”.

Get involved in GameNets 2016! For further information about the Conference, we invite you to visit the official website.

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