Publishing Partner

We are the world’s largest open ICT society

We help more researchers in more parts of the world make progress in their careers, be recognized, and feel part of a community. We do this through our free membership, a platform of innovative collaboration tools, publishing, and our global conferences, all of which have been built to encourage, mentor, and shape a researcher’s journey to success.

Members from
150+ Countries
Over 250,000

Over 200 Annual Conferences

Innovation through collaboration

EAI created a dynamic environment that adapts to the needs of researchers, scientists and innovators. Your worldwide recognition is our success. We prepared tools for you to make the path toward recognition as comfortable as possible.

our dedicated team helps you with organization, from setting up a venue to building your conference website, you have our support. Everything you need for a conference to be worthwhile

We are partnered with Springer, a prestigious publisher with a library of hundreds of journals and proceeding series. In addition, EAI has its own publications series.

EAI community is a perfect place to look for fellow colleagues, mentors, co-authors, and research partners. Connect with like-minded individuals and elevate your research.

Our achievements







Transform Your Research Journey with EAI Community

Embark on your journey, go through the process of proposing and creating conferences.
Experience how simple it is to do a conference with us.

Submit a Paper

Contribute to the pursuit of knowledge and share your knowledge. Submit your research to our existing conferences and get published.

Attend a conference

make use of hundreds of conferences for you to network with experts in the unique environment of EAI.

Join community

Your place where to encounter like-minded people, our community encourages innovation through collaboration, open discussions and create long-lasting partnerships

Get Recognized

Get recognized for your exceptional work through the EAI index points and ranks. These accolades serve as a testament to your impactful contributions in both industry and academia.

Publish with EAI

Publishing with EAI is more than a transaction – it’s an opportunity to connect, collaborate, and contribute to the global academic community. By choosing EAI, you’re choosing to share your research with the world, making a lasting impact, and positioning yourself among the best minds in your field


Book Series

EAI Proceedings

Find out why more than 250,000
researchers work with EAI

EAI News & Insights

Conferences that Amplify Community

We successfully host more than 200 conferences and summits globally each year. Explore our range of events and join our global community.

Our Partners

Join the global movement to accelerate technology and innovation for humanity with EAI. Become a partner

Institutional Members

Join EAI
Share your knowledge
Achieve progress

Take a look at our community platform and see how your career can benefit from the collaboration, mentoring and publishing opportunities.

Become a member

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